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One of the greatest strategies of the enemy is to divide and conquer. Satan uses this tactic on many home fronts. He uses it in families, in businesses, in churches, in ministries, etc. The enemy knows if he can cause any entity to walk in division, he can infiltrate and overthrow it. Read more inside...
Legacy Living is all about touching humanity, through the use of your life, gifts, and talents, on behalf of God and His Kingdom. I believe each and every person who enters this side of heaven has the potential to leave a rich legacy. Your life itself should stand as a memorial for God for the entire world to see! When coupled with the fruits of your gifts and talents, you should, in no uncertain terms, leave an indelible mark upon the lives of men now, and possibly throughout eternity. For instance, the great Apostle Paul is dead and gone, but his writings are still touching lives today. Not only today, but also what he has deposited in the earth has become a part of our spirits and will stay with us throughout eternity. Wow! Read more inside...
This month's Coaching For Success comes to encourage and push you towards your destiny! The message is simple, and consists of a call to action. First the word of encouragement: Your season of manifestation is at hand! Wow, isn't that great! Now a word of admonition that requires a call to action: Are you prepared? Well, read more inside to find out!
Having watched your share of fairy tale movies, it is certain that you may have heard the old adage, "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" Sounds familiar? Well, fairy tale or not, in real life, this is a viable question that we should ask ourselves when we look in the mirror at ourselves, both spiritually and naturally. In fact, when you look in the mirror, who do you see? Do you see a woman that is fearfully and wonderfully made? Or, do you see someone that you find fault with, wish you could change, or feel saddened by? Do you see a woman that is free to live and enjoy her life? Or, perhaps you see a woman that, just like the four boundaries of the mirror, you feel boxed in and that there is no way out. Read more inside...
For many women today, there is an identity crisis in the realm of the spirit. We are pregnant with dreams and visions, but are often not aware of the magnitude of what the Lord has entrusted to us. With great prophetic insight and depth, Author Tarsha L. Campbell is building identity through a profound, relevant message hidden in the gospels; and she is leading women at varying stages in their walk with the Lord into a place of not only embracing destiny, but one of defining purpose and sealing affirmation in their call to be whom God created them to be.Find out more inside...
Most people who know me know I'm an eternal optimist and Woman of Faith. I believe if God made me a promise it most certainly will come to past. However, the more I'm on this journey to fulfilling God's purpose for my life, I'm finding out there are simply things I just shouldn't expect. So, what should you do when you feel this way? Find out more inside...
Are there areas in your life you have settled for "hand-me-down living"? Do you gravitate to old ways and patterns the Father has delivered you from all because you haven't changed your mindset? Are you stuck because you live according to old belief systems past down from previous generations? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, find out what to do inside...