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A House Divided

One of the greatest strategies of the enemy is to divide and conquer. Satan uses this tactic on many home fronts. He uses it in families, in businesses, in churches, in ministries, etc. The enemy knows if he can cause any entity to walk in division, he can infiltrate and overthrow it. Read more inside...

One of the greatest strategies of the enemy is to divide and conquer. Satan uses this tactic on many home fronts. He uses it in families, in businesses, in churches, in ministries, etc. The enemy knows if he can cause any entity to walk in division, he can infiltrate and overthrow it. 

This stands true when it comes to you as an individual. You are the temple and house of God. You are a tri-part being, comprise of spirit, soul, and body. The enemy knows if he can get you in conflict within yourself, and in conflict with God's will for your life, he can misalign you from your purpose and destiny. Satan is searching for opportunities to spoil your inner peace and disrupt the unity between you and God. He wants to divide and conquer by causing you to walk in confusion, fear, intimidation, and waver in constant unbelief when it comes to the promises of God concerning your life.

This month's Coaching For Success comes to admonish you not to be ignorant of Satan's devices lest he gain the advantage over you (II Corinthians 2:11). Be conscious of the schemes and plots of the enemy. Don't let the evil one cause division among your members and misalign you from God's purpose. Be determined to stay single-minded and focused on the plan of God for your life. Especially if you are in leadership, because others are following your lead.

Your Coaching For Success Minute:

  • Identify the parts of you that are in constant conflict
  • What is the root cause of the conflict?
  • Seek God for grace to overcome and to remain undivided in your members