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Hand Me Down Living

Are there areas in your life you have settled for "hand-me-down living"? Do you gravitate to old ways and patterns the Father has delivered you from all because you haven't changed your mindset? Are you stuck because you live according to old belief systems past down from previous generations? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, find out what to do inside...

In my family I am the second oldest child. Anyone who knows what it's like not to be the oldest child in the family birth order, knows more than likely you will be the recipient of your older sibling's hand-me-down clothes.  This is especially true if your family didn't have a lot of money in the family budget for clothes. With this being the case for me, even after I reached the place wear I could afford to buy new clothes I still would be drawn to the thrift stores to purchase someone else's donated hand-me-downs. Now, don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with shopping in thrift stores, but read further to hear my point.

One day as I was feeling the gravitational pull to go browse the aisles of my neighborhood thrift shop, I stopped in. Once there, I heard the Holy Spirit clearly say to me, "What are you doing in here?" I began to think to myself, "Yeah, why am I here?" From a financial standpoint, God had been good to my husband and I, and there really wasn't any reason why I needed to shop in the thrift stores anymore. However, although my financial situation had changed, my mindset and old belief system had not. Mentally I had gotten use to "hand-me-down living". But in order for me to break free from the downward gravitational pull of my past patterns I had to make a conscious decision to move forward and up.

How about you? Are there areas in your life you have settled for "hand-me-down living"? Do you gravitate to old ways and patterns the Father has delivered you from all because you haven't changed your mindset? Are you stuck because you live according to old belief systems past down from previous generations? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions I want to encourage you to make a conscious decision to move forward and refuse to live your life based on hand-me-down mindsets and belief systems. God has given you so much, and now is the time to walk into the newness of life. You can do it! Just take that first step inwardly and the rest of you will follow. Be blessed.

Your Wake Up & Dream Coaching Minute:

  • What are the old patterns and belief systems that keep you in endless ruts?
  • What steps can you take break free from these endless ruts?
  • Move forward with your plan.

© Tarsha L. Campbell, All Rights Reserved, Use only with permission