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Digging Ditches

This month's Coaching For Success comes to encourage and push you towards your destiny! The message is simple, and consists of a call to action. First the word of encouragement: Your season of manifestation is at hand! Wow, isn't that great! Now a word of admonition that requires a call to action: Are you prepared? Well, read more inside to find out!

This month's Coaching For Success comes to encourage and push you towards your destiny! The message is simple, and consists of a call to action. First the word of encouragement: Your season of manifestation is at hand! Wow, isn't that great! Now a word of admonition that requires a call to action:  Are you prepared?

Many years ago, I heard a preacher say, "God will only bless you to the degree that you are prepared".  Since hearing this phrase it has stuck with me. God wants to bless you but you have to get ready to receive it.

One passage of scripture that comes to mind is II King 3:9-20. In this passage, three kings had come to the prophet Elisha in search of answers so they could conquer new land, and enlarge their territory. The prophet in turned released a word and told the kings and their company to prepare for the move of God by digging ditches. At the word of the prophet, and through their obedience to prepare, they all experienced a demonstration of the power of God in their lives...but it didn't take place until the kings took action.

How about you? Have you taken action on the things God has spoken in your life? One thing I know for sure about personal words of prophecy is this; many are based on condition. It's not based on whether God will keep his word, for Numbers 23:19 says:

"God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?

What it all comes down to is this: You have to do your part and meet the necessary conditions in order for God's will and purpose to come to pass in your life. I want to encourage you to start digging your ditches of preparation and watch God do the rest.

Your Coaching For Success Minute:

  • Write down your personal words of prophecy from God
  • What role will God play in the fulfillment of the prophecies?
  • What are the necessary conditions you must meet in order for the prophecies to come to pass?

© Tarsha L. Campbell, All Rights Reserved, Use only with permission