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I once heard a preacher say, "You have to see it before you see it". What he was basically talking about was the importance of having a vision when pursuing any thing in your life. I personally think having a vision can't be underestimated. It is one of the foundational building blocks when creating the life you want and the life God has prepared for you. Read more inside...
This month I want to share an important key that opens the door to success and fulfillment. The key is having systems in place. As children of God, and in particular leaders, we need to take note of the actions of God. Even God in his sovereignty, used and continues to use systems when governing His creation. Fidn out more inside...
This month's Coaching For Success comes to encourage and push you towards your destiny! The message is simple, and consists of a call to action. First the word of encouragement: Your season of manifestation is at hand! Wow, isn't that great! Now a word of admonition that requires a call to action: Are you prepared? Well, read more inside to find out!
I'm finding that as one gets older it's so easy to get stuck in a rut. We've all heard the adage, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it". In some instances this may be true. However, there are times when we need to make a change. Life can easily become stale and mundane if you don't have the courage to try new things. Variety is the spice of life and change can give you a whole new perspective. I personally love change. Several months ago I changed my hairstyle, got a new haircut and added a little color. But I noticed something. I observed all the changes I took myself through mentally before I actually made the change. My mental dialogue went something like this: Read more inside...

I don't know about you, but I feel increase in the air! It's so thick I can taste it. I believe God has increase prepared for you too! Now, when I speak of increase, I'm not only talking about financial increase, although that's apart of it, but you can experience increase in every area of your life. Increase in your spiritual life, increase in your health, increase in favor, increase influence, increase in wisdom, increase in your understanding, and the list goes on, and on. But do you know in order for you and I to receive the increase that's headed our way we have to prepare for it. One of the key things we need to do is "clear the clutter".
In my coaching business I'm blessed to work with some wonderful women of God with amazing gifts and talents! However, many struggle with stepping forward to be used by God because they are paralyzed with fear and a lack of confidence. I understand the struggle because in times past I have experienced this too. Over the years I have sought the Lord to overcome, and through His wisdom He has given me a few keys to step out in confidence in business and ministry. Please allow me to share them with you. Read more inside...