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Four Keys To Stepping Out In Confidence

In my coaching business I'm blessed to work with some wonderful women of God with amazing gifts and talents! However, many struggle with stepping forward to be used by God because they are paralyzed with fear and a lack of confidence. I understand the struggle because in times past I have experienced this too. Over the years I have sought the Lord to overcome, and through His wisdom He has given me a few keys to step out in confidence in business and ministry. Please allow me to share them with you. Read more inside...

In my coaching business I'm blessed to work with some wonderful women of God with amazing gifts and talents! However, many struggle with stepping forward to be used by God because they are paralyzed with fear and a lack of confidence. I understand the struggle because in times past I have experienced this too. Over the years I have sought the Lord to overcome, and through His wisdom He has given me a few keys to step out in confidence in business and ministry. Please allow me to share them with you.

Key 1 - Unveil your God-given identity -  Know who you are

Ask God to give you a revelation of who you are in Him. Stay true to your authentic self, and avoid the pull to be a counterfeit or copy of someone else.  Make a conscious decision to stop playing the comparison game. Know for sure you are an unique expression of God. Embrace who God has made you, and don't let your past failures define you, only refine you. Grow from your mistakes.

Key 2 - Unveil your God-given purpose

God has created every man for a purpose. Jesus said in 1 John 3:8, "For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."  You need to complete this statement for yourself, "For this cause was I manifested..." With this clarification comes great confidence because you know God is with you in the boardroom, to the classroom, from the pulpit, to the pew. Nothing can stop you if you flow in Him.

Key 3 - Define your signature sound - clarify your message

We all have been given a signature sound and message that coincides with our purpose. Seek the Lord to define your sound and embrace it.  Then understand your message is projected through your gifts and talents. Identify and get competent in your gifts and talents, and your life will speak volumes.

Key 4 - Identify your metron

Metron is a Greek word meaning measure of rule. Every man has been given a measure of rule (2 Corinthians 10:13-15, KJV). Within your metron comes divine power (grace and divine enablement), and authority to rule and effect your spheres of influence. With this understanding comes great boldness to positively impact any environment God positions you in. Don't under-estimate this grace and your assignment.© Tarsha L. Campbell, All Rights Reserved, Use only with permission