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Women all over the world spend millions of dollars on gels, creams, powders, and lotions all in the attempt to maintain or enhance their skin and beauty. Beauty is a universal theme that has been around since the beginning of time and all civilizations have had a natural beauty tip or two. Modern western cultures have taken the idea of beauty to extreme by resorting to plastic surgery, liposuction, injections, and other medically invasive treatments to gain a sense of enhanced beauty. There is no need to spend thousands dollars or resort to surgery, our 4 top natural beauty tips are freely available in this article for everyone. Find out what they are inside...
Handshake etiquette is more significant than you might assume. After all, it is well understood that first impressions are an factor in interviewing and in just about any other social situation. And a satisfactory handshake is absolutely a part of your first impression.
Many times in our lives, we carry on with many different tasks that must be fulfilled. We check them off as we complete them, and feel settled that we accomplished so much in one day. Only to find that tomorrow brings yet another set of tasks that we must begin in the hopes that we will fully carry out. For many people, that is just 'being busy'. Yet, those things are always centered on ourselves and our own agendas, when really; we were not created for ourselves, for we were bought with a price. Read more inside...
how do we love people in spite of their wrongs or faults? How do we honestly demonstrate the love of Christ to all people? Well, this month's featured preaching woman, Dr. Maria A. Seaman (Dr. Seaman), Founder and Pastor of Shekinah Worship International Ministries (SIM), at Shekinah Worship Centre, Bermuda, covered under the apostolic helm of Dr. Karen Bethea of the Set the Captives Free Outreach Center, Baltimore, MD, is here to share some strategies with you.Find out more inside...
Do you consider yourself poor, rich or somewhere in between? Do your thoughts have anything to do with your real-life experience and circumstances? Why is it that even in the darkest of financial times, some people continue to prosper while others lose all that they have and end up broke and broken? Find out more inside...
In our everyday lives, we are to bring light to darkness, hope to despair, and love in the presence of hate. Now, distractions will come; they will come in many different forms and in many different ways because the goal of a distraction is to deter your focus and aim from the mission and stop your productivity. Find out God's plan for you inside...
Are there areas in your life you have settled for "hand-me-down living"? Do you gravitate to old ways and patterns the Father has delivered you from all because you haven't changed your mindset? Are you stuck because you live according to old belief systems past down from previous generations? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, find out what to do inside...
Starting a New Years Diet? There's never been a better time to change your eating habits, lose weight and get healthier. A new year brings the momentum you often need to make changes and achieve your brand new body. Here are 3 tips to help you lose weight on your New Years diet and make healthier changes: Find out about them inside...
By the grace of God, we have made it to see yet another year. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Now that the New Year has been ushered in, I have to tell you that I've made it a practice over the last several years not to make New Year's resolutions. After all, how many of us can honestly say that we've made resolutions and really stuck to them? I'll be honest enough to tell you I've never been in that number. I'm at a point in my life where I don't feel the need to make New Year's resolutions. Find out why inside...
A while back, in a previous article, I told you about 10 Things a Christian Man Wants In a Woman. Well, I've had a little time to do some thinking over the holidays, and I've come up with about 17 More Things I believe a Christian Man wants in his mate. Therefore, take a look at this list, ponder them, and maybe even discuss them with another Christian man. I'm sure this list will generate great discussion.