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Proper church phone etiquette will present your church or ministry effectively. A strong first impression over the phone is one of the most important keys to building your ministry. Find out how you can improve your ministry's phone etiquette inside...
What has God told you lately? What has He reassured you of time and time again, but you have dismissed it as if it was never said? From the foundation of the world, God had you in mind. In your mother's womb, He implanted in you purpose and destiny. He gave you something He did not give anyone else. Only you were made to fulfill the role that He created you to fill. Only you have been assigned to certain individuals or events to bring about change for them. You have a purpose to fulfill. How can you do it? Read more inside...
When considering the word "vintage," what vision comes to mind? Do you immediately think old-fashioned, worn out, or aged? Or, perhaps you have a more favorable perspective as you reminisce about the old cookie jar your mother would let you reach into if you were good, or the jelly jar full of preservatives that graced your grandmother's counter top. Whether it's clothing, furniture, jewelry, or materials, over the last few years there has been a rise in the popularity of vintage things. More and more, people are reflecting upon the quality, steadfastness, and value of things from the past. However, what about "vintage" as a spiritual perspective or lifestyle? Find out more inside...
Your sermons need to have one main point. There may be sub-points, and there may be supporting points, but there is [or should] only one main point. If your sermon has more than one major point, the people will tire of your message and not be able to remember what the sermon was about. They will subconsciously attempt to determine the main point. When they realize that your sub-points are overpowering your main point, they will either give up, or grab hold of one of your sub-points and assume that is the point of your message. So, how can you help people remember your sermon? Find out inside...
Do you struggle with letting go of your past? Whenever you attempt to do something great for God, are you faced with combating the voice in your mind that says, "they are not going to listen to you, because they remember when you used to...?" Find out how you can let go and breakthrough inside...
If you have a plan with defined steps, a timeline, and deadlines to reach your end result-and you follow through on your plan-there is an excellent chance that you will succeed.If you do not, what's going to happen? Find out more inside...
Have you been seeking God as to how Jesus was able to do what he did and not get distracted, over burdened, and overwhelmeed in ministry? It is sometimes difficult to minister to others and not become consumed and over-burdened with the responsibilities of ministry. Find out how you can succeed inside...
I heard an interesting fact about a certain fish called the Oscar fish. This particular fish when placed in the right environment has the ability to reach its potential size of 16 inches. However, if placed in a limited environment, such as a small fish tank, this fish will never grow to reach its full potential. After hearing this interesting fact it made me wonder: How many people have lived, died, and never reached their full potential because their tank was too small?
With that being said, it's amazing to me that this Step to Destiny simply says, "Deal With Obstacles." As much as I would like to say that life will always be a simplistic journey with no bumps, bruises, curves or pitfalls along the way, I think we've all lived long enough to know that such is just not reality. We face all kinds of obstacles from day to day, with some being more painful and challenging than others. I think this is a fact of life that we need to remember, particularly as we embark upon a brand new year. Read more inside...
Often, as a minister, you will be invited to give words of expression before the conclusion of a service. This can be challengeing for many preachers as they struggle to resist the temptation to repreach what they have already heard, plug themselves by showing their ability to preach, or simply trying to revive the audience after a long message. What ever the case, it is important as a preacher that you get up and do what you are asked to do, and only that, which is give brief words of expression as requested. Find out how inside...