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Having watched your share of fairy tale movies, it is certain that you may have heard the old adage, "Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" Sounds familiar? Well, fairy tale or not, in real life, this is a viable question that we should ask ourselves when we look in the mirror at ourselves, both spiritually and naturally. In fact, when you look in the mirror, who do you see? Do you see a woman that is fearfully and wonderfully made? Or, do you see someone that you find fault with, wish you could change, or feel saddened by? Do you see a woman that is free to live and enjoy her life? Or, perhaps you see a woman that, just like the four boundaries of the mirror, you feel boxed in and that there is no way out. Read more inside...
For many women today, there is an identity crisis in the realm of the spirit. We are pregnant with dreams and visions, but are often not aware of the magnitude of what the Lord has entrusted to us. With great prophetic insight and depth, Author Tarsha L. Campbell is building identity through a profound, relevant message hidden in the gospels; and she is leading women at varying stages in their walk with the Lord into a place of not only embracing destiny, but one of defining purpose and sealing affirmation in their call to be whom God created them to be.Find out more inside...
When it comes to marriage, sometimes it is necessary at different stages of the marriage to have a strong focus on savings and finance. So, I've put together a list of 20 Practicle tips for you to consider in order to help you save more during this economy. Find out more inside...
Recently, I attending a women's conference and watched God show up and out. I was okay with the teaching and the preaching of the Word, but when she started to prophecy and impart to the women through healing and deliverance needless to say I backed up and down...because it was above my grade! What am I saying? Find out inside...
I'm finding that as one gets older it's so easy to get stuck in a rut. We've all heard the adage, "If it ain't broken, don't fix it". In some instances this may be true. However, there are times when we need to make a change. Life can easily become stale and mundane if you don't have the courage to try new things. Variety is the spice of life and change can give you a whole new perspective. I personally love change. Several months ago I changed my hairstyle, got a new haircut and added a little color. But I noticed something. I observed all the changes I took myself through mentally before I actually made the change. My mental dialogue went something like this: Read more inside...

You often hear people saying that you have to give respect in order to get respect. In other words, there are many who will not respect someone else because they feel that the other person has disrespected them in some way. According to James 2, the respect you must give is not based on the behavior or attitude of the other person. No. The respect you give is actually a reflection of what is in you. Read more inside...
I will admit that this month's topic is something I probably thought I'd never actually write about...at least not anytime soon. But after reading a blog entitled, "Can God Use a Divorced Person," I felt compelled to share my story. I felt this way because I thought the title of the blog that I saw was really not the smartest question to ask. Yet, when I thought about the many feelings I had as I was going through my own divorce, I could wholeheartedly empathize. [And, whether we like it or not, divorce is a reality, even in the Body of Christ.] Thus, this blog is written to serve as a source of strength to those who may be feeling guilty, indecisive, confused, or whatever way as a result of the issue of divorce. So, in response to the question, "Can God Use a Divorced Person," my answer is an absolute yes. Read more inside...
Once again, I count it a privilege and an honor to share with you this month. You may recall that at the beginning of this year, I made a declaration of, "It shall be well in 2012." I meant that from the bottom of my heart. And although I am walking in total anticipation, I must tell you that I am in complete awe of what our Heavenly Father has already done for His children in the first quarter of the year. I have seen people receive a new lease on life through gainful employment, restored relationships and business breakthroughs. As for me personally, God has enlarged my territory in such a way that things that I've been in prayer about for years are now at my fingertips. How great is our God!
Ladies Consider This: If he treats you with respect, he is honoring you. If he says kind words to you even when you say harsh words, he truly loves you. If he is at the pharmacy picking up your medicine, he cares about you physically. What if he is...Read more inside...
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater [works] than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.-John 14:12 (emphasis mine)
Much of our lives is spent wondering, "What am I purposed to do on this earth?" We try our hands at different things, based on the skills we have, the talents and abilities we possess, and if they would truly fulfill us, to create the feeling that-what we do really matters to others. But have we ever stopped to consider what Jesus would have us to do? Read more inside...