Featured Book of the Month
Instead of trying, let go. Let go of the limitations of "religion," a place of trying harder, where you never measure up. Step into God's grace. You'll be empowered supernaturally beyond your experience. Read more inside...
For many women today, there is an identity crisis in the realm of the spirit. We are pregnant with dreams and visions, but are often not aware of the magnitude of what the Lord has entrusted to us. With great prophetic insight and depth, Author Tarsha L. Campbell is building identity through a profound, relevant message hidden in the gospels; and she is leading women at varying stages in their walk with the Lord into a place of not only embracing destiny, but one of defining purpose and sealing affirmation in their call to be whom God created them to be.Find out more inside...
Many of us have been through incapacitating situations in life. Sometimes life and people have been so cruel to us to the point where we begin to wonder who we really are. Some events began in our childhood and we have been carrying them around in our hearts, minds and spirits for years and years. Because of this, we come to a place where we lose the ability to believe that we have any purpose and value. Many people discount and make disclosures concerning themselves every single day. This is due to low self-esteem, no or little confidence and simple brokenness.
This book provides a fresh perspective on the biblical messages of "Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" and "The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Sandie Freed reveals the real root of money problems: ancient demonic allies seducing believers away from a generous God. Read more inside...
How to Discern and Defeat the Lies of Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah
Three evil powers have joined forces to deceive you, rob you and imprison you in religious structures. It's time to fight back.
For years a controlling Jezebel spirit has seduced the unsuspecting, even in the Church. Now the destructive forces of her daughter, Athaliah and Delilah are becoming evident as well. The joining together of this "threefold cord" is the enemy's secret weapon - and it is gaining alarming momentum against believers.
Three evil powers have joined forces to deceive you, rob you and imprison you in religious structures. It's time to fight back.
For years a controlling Jezebel spirit has seduced the unsuspecting, even in the Church. Now the destructive forces of her daughter, Athaliah and Delilah are becoming evident as well. The joining together of this "threefold cord" is the enemy's secret weapon - and it is gaining alarming momentum against believers.
As you read this prophetic book by Dr. Aretha Wilson, a powerful impartation will be released in your spirit: one that will transition you into increasingly greater dimensions of purpose and destiny. If you are ready to become everything that God has destined you to be and help others to do the same, it's time to learn what the Bible says about sonship. God wants you to perpetuate his life in the Earth!
In Spring 2008, Dr. Paula Price released The Prophet's Handbook: A Guide to Prophecy and Its Operation. In this book, Price addresses questions that have gone unanswered for years: How do prophets fit into the modern church? What is the difference between a prophet and a psychic? How do you determine prophetic credibility? Why do we need prophets if we have scientific reasoning? Look inside to find out more...
Are you looking for a resource that is filled with anointing, revelation and wisdom on how to effectively walk and communicate in a different realm than you normally do? If so, this is the book for you. Prophetess Sandie Freed will take you on a journey to experience higher levels of God's glory in her book, Strategies From Heaven's Throne.Click here for more...
The Prophet's Dictionary is an all-in-one dictionary and reference book containing over 1600 relevant deinitions of terms and phrases for the prophetic realm of Christina ministry. This resource is a must have, and is authored by featured preaching woman for the month of January 08, Dr. Paula Price. Please look inside to find out more!
Written under a prophetic anointing, this book has been released in to the earth at this time, to aid wounded souls into their final victory. Pastor Joyce heart's cry to everyone that is struggling between the process and the promise is that, "God still has a plan for your life."