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Let me first say that it's your time and it's your turn! This is the season of the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:31), yielding forth fire, glory, greater, increase, acceleration, etc. However, it's not short of warfare… and we thank God for all of it! I say that because maybe you're like me in that this year [has yielded forth some] unexpected things of life that you had no control over. From losing my job; to my husband's health issues; to personal family matters; so far, this year has been real. And yet...read more inside...
believe this is the season of the MANIFESTED GLORY OF GOD! The Bible declares, " For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the REVEALING of the SONS OF GOD". Romans 8:19. The glory of God and impartation are in this season. Don't miss your time of visitation. Read more inside...
Wow! Where has all the time gone? I stand in total amazement at how fast this year has progressed. The adage, "Time waits for no one" certainly bears true. How has this year been for you? Have you seen God at work like never before? Are you still standing on His promises for this to be the Year of Manifestation, (if that's what He's spoken to you)? Read more inside...
This month's Coaching For Success comes to encourage and push you towards your destiny! The message is simple, and consists of a call to action. First the word of encouragement: Your season of manifestation is at hand! Wow, isn't that great! Now a word of admonition that requires a call to action: Are you prepared? Well, read more inside to find out!
Have you been sensing lately that there is something going on in the atmosphere? Do you feel like God is up to something big! Well, the truth of the matter is simply this: He is! We are embarking upon one of the greatest natural and spiritual shifts in history. The question is, are you in position? Are you ready to see the manifestation of all that God has planned for your life and the Body of Christ in this hour? If perhaps you are wondering how to get in position, or stay in position, this very moment is for you!PreachingWoman.com's founder, Nichelle Early, enjoyed the marvelous opportunity to speak exclusively with one of God's beloved and treasured vessels, Pastor Niki Brown (Pastor Niki). Richly abounding in kindness and grace, she cordially accepted our invitation to be featured and celebrated as an anointed preaching woman and share her life, ministry, and revelation of one of the greatest shifts in the Kingdom!Read more inside...