
Noted as one of the most anointed prophetic voices given to the body of Christ, Dr. Rita Womack has served in full-time ministry for more than 25 years. Her passion for the ministry and sensitivity to the voice of God has allowed her to become a highly prolific preacher, teacher, and evangelist, sharing extensively in many revivals and conferences throughout the United States, Canada, Korea, and many other countries, as well as national television.
Presently serving as the Elect Lady of the Department of Evangelism for the Church of God In Christ, Inc., Dr. Womack is also the founder of Latter Rain Miracle Ministries of Atlanta, Georgia and a member of West Angeles Church of God in Christ where Bishop Charles E. Blake is Sr. Pastor in tandem with being the Presiding Bishop of the Church of God In Christ, Inc. Not only has these platforms afforded Dr. Womack an influential opportunity to share and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but she has also fulfilled ministry assignments hosted by Bishop T.D. Jakes, the late Bishop Gilbert E. Patterson, Bishop Charles E. Blake, and numerous other highly esteemed men and women of God.
At the helm of her personal ministry, Rita Womack Ministries, Inc., Dr. Womack hosts annual prophetic conferences, which have drawn renowned anointed speakers such as Prophetess Juanita Bynum, Pastor Paula White, Darlene Bishop, Sheryl Brady and many others. Upon receiving numerous requests for mentoring guidance in ministry, she also formed "Mentoring in Ministry with Dr. Rita Womack", which trains and equips men and women in the areas of ministry gifts and callings.
Evangelist Nichelle Early (NE), founder of PreachingWoman.com enjoyed a heartfelt interview with Dr. Womack (RW) as she encourages the Body of Christ to "Watch, Listen, and Respond," in this hour.
NE: Dr. Womack, thank you for accepting this interview. I know your time and schedule is rigorous, so I'm honored that you've made time to share with us!
RW: The pleasure is all mine, Evangelist Nichelle, I'm honored that you have selected me for feature, and I give God all the honor and glory!
NE: Dr. Womack, what do you believe is the mission and assignment of your ministry to the Body of Christ and human kind at large?
RW: In this hour, what God is requiring of me is to be instrumental in bringing the church back to a place of understanding the necessity of worship and understanding of who God is. Therefore, my place in the Kingdom is to usher in worship…As I've grown in God, I've become keenly aware of the apostolic call upon my life to assist with creating government and order in the church through worship and the knowledge and the revelation of the Word of God. And, specifically, it is through this call, that God has told me to train people in ministry who desire to pursue Him and not the crowd…There is so much to God that we haven't learned, and I believe that as a part of the apostolic call upon my life, it is crucial to make the church aware of the spiritual war seasons that are taking place in the spirit realm, and to teach them how to watch, interpret, pray, and respond to those seasons correctly.
NE: Dr. Womack, please share with us, what a war season is, and its impact upon the Body of Christ?
RW: Spiritual war seasons are seasons, or specific times or instances, in the spirit realm in which the enemy intensifies a consistent and specific attack upon the Body of Christ. He not only uses these spiritual war seasons to release lawlessness in the land, but to perpetrate lawlessness and disorder within the church and within our personal lives. And what I believe happens is that we began to see spiritual casualties because we have not been trained to discern and defeat these attacks in a timely manner. So, I believe a part of my mission, purpose, and anointing in the Kingdom is to recognize and make the church aware of these spiritual war seasons, while calling upon the Angelic Hosts to aid us during these times of spiritual battle.
NE: So, Dr. Womack, you mentioned that one of the challenges is that we have not discerned these attacks in the spirit in a timely manner. Please share with us how time or timing is critical to us in this hour.
RW: God has given us vision and the understanding of time. And, I believe God calling us to focus on the "Issachar Mandate," as to understand the times in which we live. When we understand when and what is happening in the spirit, we will understand when and why certain things are occurring in the natural. I believe that the only way that we will come to a place where we understand how critical understanding time or "the times" is, there must be those who are willing to pray and study God's Word beyond the norm and get into the face of God to know and understand what God is saying and requiring us to do in this hour. Now, understand that when you do this, you will be separated from the crowd, at times you will feel isolated and alone and as if nobody understands, but you will be in a very special place of understanding the timing of God.
NE: You've spoken about war seasons and you've spoken about understanding the times or timing of God, what are some practical principles that you can offer to the woman that says, "Wow, I really want to be in that place?"
RW: I would encourage her to study towards the following:
- Hunger: Obtain a hunger towards having an "inner knowing" and relationship with the God that is within you and not the god of this world that is without, which represents material things. This can be achieved in many ways, some of which are prayer, worship, fasting, and reading your Bible.
- Thirst: Develop an intense thirst after the "righteousness" or the 'right-ness' of God. Again, this can come through prayer, the study of God's Word, and the "asking of God," that you may know Him. However, it ultimately comes through understanding the grace of God, and knowing that it is not about your works, but because of the finished work of Jesus Christ.
And through all of this, you must understand that you will experience trials, troubles, and circumstances that will challenge you, but they will shift you to a place of relying and depending upon God, so that you will be confident that you know God and can interpret the spiritual times and seasons.
NE: That is powerful Dr. Womack, because being in that place of understanding God's timing will not only help us know what is going on in the spirit, but also in our daily lives, correct?
RW: Yes, I believe when we look at what is going on in the natural and search and do some comparison studies within the scriptures concerning them, the scriptures will always help us pulsate what is going on and what is happening within your particular life. For instance, when the earthquake hit in Japan a few years ago [March 11, 2011], the church missed it and we missed what God was trying to say to us. You see there was a shifting that happened literally in the natural. The massive earthquake hit and shortened the length of the 24-hour day by 1.8 microseconds. [According to http://www.space.com/11115-japan-earthquake-shortened-earth-days.html] In other words, we were shifted slightly into the future, and we missed it because we didn't understand what happened and we, as the church, were not watchful, prayerful, and neither did we talk about it. So, I believe the church stayed in a season that God strategically and literally tried to shift us out of.
And, while thinking about this, it prompted me to think about all the blessings and prophesies that have been spoken over my life and the life of others. I began to wonder how these blessings and prophesies were going to catch up with us in this life time, how they were going to come to past? And, I honestly thought that there was no way that some of the things that I was expecting to happen in my life would actually happen in this life time. And I remember looking at the scripture which said, "…some died in the faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off…(Hebrews 11:13) So, my question was, God how are you going to do it? How are some of these things going to come to past? And, I believe the Lord said to me, when the earth slid 1.8 microseconds into the future, I did this so that some of you would not have to die without receiving your promise!
NE: WOW! So what should we do to ensure we don't miss the next shift and how can we be prepared?
RW: Well, I believe that strategically, we as a church should be standing at attention through global prayer. I believe the Church is the most important entity in the world today. And as our moral wall, in the world and the church is down, we as the Body of Christ, need to take control by watching, praying, and responding to the plan of God. We should be seeking God by being unified, because if we are unified, we can change this world…there must be a strategic gathering of the Church and leaders of the Church worldwide to recognize and combat the enemy in this hour. We also must prepare the generations coming behind us for this next shift in God and how to recognize the Person, purpose, and plan of God.
NE: Well, Dr. Womack, I know your schedule is tight, so in closing, what do you believe God is saying to our viewers today?
RW: I believe God is calling the Body of Christ, especially women, to a place where we can recognize our influence, power, and potential in Him. Moreover, I believe that God is saying to the church at large to get ready for Christ's return. Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle and we must make ready ourselves for the coming of the Lord and prepare the world and this nation for His return!
Dr. Womack is truly an anointed vessel of the Lord, who is totally sold-out to the ministry of Jesus Christ. She willingly releases herself to God, and her life is shaped by and centered on God. Dr. Womack is indeed a woman of faith, excellence and action, who aspires to aid the body of Christ by bringing them into the knowledge of the manifested power of God through both the Holy Writ, and the prophetic utterance.