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Featured Preaching Woman

You've been called! Now what? Well, that's a question many people ask. Often times, people sense that they have been called, particularly by God, and may not know what to do next. In fact, sometimes they may not understand specifically what they are called to do. All they know is that they have been called by God and they just want to please Him. So seriously, what happens next? How do you resolve the perplexity of knowing specifically what you are called to do in the Kingdom of God? By what means necessary do you stay faithful to that call in order to fulfill your purpose and destiny? What if you are a minister or a mentor? How do you help others determine the proper course of action? Find out inside...
What would you do if you knew you had the ability to touch the entire world? Where would you start? Whose life would you touch? If you couldn't go, who would you send? These are very important questions, as we all have a specific mandate to "go ye therefore, and teach all nations" [Matthew 28:19]. Our local communities, neighborhoods, and churches are significant contributors to the world in which we live. So the question is, "What are you doing right now to touch the world?" Read more of what Evg. Ruby Holland has to say inside...

A profound question was asked which simply inquired, "What would you do if you knew that you could not fail?" Have you considered that question? If not, think about that for moment. What would you do? Well, let's ask the question a different way. "What have you been called to do, that you are not doing because you are afraid you may fail?" It has been said that God often calls the ordinary to do things that are extraordinary. And sometimes, when you imagine the end result of what God is calling you to, it can at times seem very daunting, or even impossible in your mind. However, can you agree that there's something different that happens in your spirit when God calls you do to something as opposed to anybody else asking you? It seems that no matter how hard you try to run from, or make excuses about doing it, the after-effect of God's call is unshakable. So, what do you do? How do you handle this? Find out more inside with Evangelist Marissa Farrow!

Maybe you have unintentionally bought into the idea that you can't wage warfare against the enemy. Perhaps you've been trained to believe that spiritual warfare is only for the pastor, evangelist, or seasoned church mother who is renowned for engaging in such activity. Well, today we're helping you banish that illusion beyond any doubt, by sharing with you an exclusive interview with this month's featured preaching woman, Dr. Cindy Trimm. She cordially accepted our invitation to be published on our site and impart to us some rules of engagement regarding leadership, stratregic prayer, the Kingdom, and our spiritual responsibilities for such a time as this. Read more inside...

When you pray, do you really believe that anything can happen? Do you honestly know that God hears your prayers and has an earnest desire to answer? As a believer, God desires that you advance the kingdom of Heaven and destroy the works of the enemy through prevailing prayer. And you know what? You can, and you will! Read more inside...

Is God showing you greater and more for His purpose and your fulfillment? Do you see wider and deeper as you embark upon the horizon of your next-dimensional vision? With all that you are already committed to faithfully, you may ask yourself, "is there really room for more?" Well, we are here to encourage you that there is room for more. And, you do have the capacity to see more, give more, experience and be more. Even with a day to day life that seems "stretched" to the limit, now is the time to prepare and enlarge the tent of your territory.
PreachingWoman.com was privileged to have the exclusive opportunity to talk with International Healing Evangelist, Joan Hunter. She graciously accepted our invitation to be featured on our site and share with us some dynamic keys necessary to have and enjoy healing and wholeness in every area of your life.
Perhaps you have inadvertently bought into the notion that preaching women are one-dimensional in their ministry focus. You may have grown up believing that singleness of purpose meant singleness in your ministerial pursuits. Well, today we're helping you dispel that myth once and for all, by focusing on this month's featured preaching woman, Evangelist Dorinda Clark Cole. She graciously accepted our invitation to be featured on our site.