Written By: Nichelle Early, Executive Editor
Have you ever encountered a season where you felt dry, thirsty, and infused with a need to see and experience change? Lately, have you found yourself challenged to let go of the past and move forward? Are you frustrated with your personal circumstances and desirous of a refreshing? Well, this is the moment you have been waiting for! This month, we are delighted to share with you an exclusive interview with one of God's choice hand-maidens, Elder Beverly Dairsow. Without reservation, she humbly agreed to be featured on our site and impart to us some practical guidance to quenching our spiritual thirst so that we may be filled to the overflowing with the purpose and power of God's glory!
Elder Beverly Dairsow is a highly sought after jewel of the Kingdom. Full of grace and goodness, the love of God springs forth through her candid and transparent nature. Known as a humble servant whose mission is to be a blessing to all she encounters, Elder Dairsow ministers the unadulterated Word of God with power and demonstration. Her personal mandate is to see to it that people get just what they need from the Lord Jesus through a divine life changing experience inclusive of deliverance, empowerment to fulfill their personal mandate, and action without reservation, in order for them to live a life marked by the fullness and blessings of God.
Recognized for her God-given wisdom and assuasive words of encouragement, Elder Beverly Dairsow is the founder and administrator of the nationally acclaimed Women At The Well Conference. Inspired by God in a three night dream, the conference is a subsidiary of her personal ministry, Divine Abundance International, a multi-cultural, non-denominational, organization designed to meet the concerns of men and women far and wide. Divine Abundance International sponsors ministry services and events inclusive of annual book-bag giveaways, a food bank ministry, empowerment workshops, and events geared toward assisting under privileged youth.
Since 2003, God has allowed the annual Women At The Well Conference and Revivals to attract more than 1,300 faithful attendees and is steadily growing. Additionally, one of the unique blessings of the conference is that Elder Dairsow has been motivated to also offer it as a mobile conference or revival, catering to smaller geographical areas that may not have the facilities or ability to accommodate some of the larger conferences sponsored by mega ministries. PreachingWoman.com asked Elder Dairsow to explain to us the purpose of the Women At The Well ministry and what people can expect when they attend the services, and here is what she disclosed to us.
"Women At The Well's purpose is the meet the needs of women that are crying out. It is an outreach ministry focused on reaching the lost as well as building up those in the Body of Christ to assist their pastors in whatever necessary capacity of ministry. When people attend Women At The Well ministry services, they will see that it is not just ministry as usual, but that it is an experience!" Elder Dairsow exclaimed.
As we are currently witnessing a kingdom paradigm shift, it is evident that God is calling more women to the forefront. For many women, this call comes amassed with numerous challenges that make it difficult to let go of the past and move forward effectively. One of the deep rooted passions of Elder Dairsow is to counsel, empower and encourage women, steering them toward effective ministry. We asked Elder Dairsow to provide us with her definition of "effective ministry" and she offered us this rendering"
"Effective ministry is ministry that changes the total life of the people you touch. It's not just limited to the worship experience, but it encompasses the whole person: spiritually, physically, emotionally, socially, and even financially," said Elder Dairsow.
While we all strive toward facilitating effective ministry, it is inevitable that we are all going to encounter dry seasons, those that leave us thirsty and somewhat frustrated at some point. So, PreachingWoman.com asked Elder Dairsow to share with us how we get through these seasons and here is the guidance she gave us:
- Staying in the Word of God
- Remaining prayerful
- Avoiding involvement in ungodly situations that can draw you in
- Staying focused!"
Elder Dairsow has been laboring in ministry over 25 years. She serves faithfully as an associate pastor under the spiritual covering and leadership of Apostle Dr. Roma D. Allen, Sr., Senior Pastor of
"We have to go beyond the usual. The traditional church as usual is not satisfactory to draw everyone, in particularly, young people. The ministry is beyond the four walls of the church; It's on the job, in the housing developments, and in our communities," explained Elder Dairsow.
Currently, Elder Dairsow is pursuing her Doctorate of Divinity. She received her Masters of Arts with emphasis in Audiology for
- "Whatever the Lord says do, just do it!" she said,
- "Stay focused on what God has given you to do…, said Elder Dairsow.
- "Do everything with the spirit of excellence," she said convincingly.
Elder Dairsow cherishes her husband of 24 years, Deacon George D. Dairsow. Together, they are the loving parents of two beautiful daughters, Monet and Alyssha. When asked by PreachingWoman.com what she wants people to know about her, Elder Dairsow offered this explanation:
"I am a trailblazer! Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it can not be done.