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Everyday Living!

Let me first say that it's your time and it's your turn! This is the season of the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:31), yielding forth fire, glory, greater, increase, acceleration, etc. However, it's not short of warfare… and we thank God for all of it! I say that because maybe you're like me in that this year [has yielded forth some] unexpected things of life that you had no control over. From losing my job; to my husband's health issues; to personal family matters; so far, this year has been real. And yet...read more inside...
believe this is the season of the MANIFESTED GLORY OF GOD! The Bible declares, " For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the REVEALING of the SONS OF GOD". Romans 8:19. The glory of God and impartation are in this season. Don't miss your time of visitation. Read more inside...
God is a giver and we, like Him, should be givers as well. It's not about what we can get but what God gives. It is written: "for freely have you received so freely give" (Matthew 10:8). It's not a matter of what we can do for the Kingdom of God but more a matter of whether or not God can trust us with the Kingdom. Are you a vessel fully submitted to God that he can trust? Read more inside...
This scripture has always perplexed me when Philip asked Jesus to show them the Father (John 14:8-14). Jesus responded by saying: "Have I been so long time with you, and yet you have not known me Philip?" What was Jesus saying to Philip? He was saying that you've been with me all this time, seen miracles, the sick healed, ate with me, lived with me, seen demons cast out, and witnessed my character…and you still don't realize that I and my Father are one? Read more inside...
I used to work for the federal government as Legal Technician. However in 2004, I resigned sensing God's calling upon my life. So the other night, I had a dream that I was trying to get reinstated in the federal government. I was talking to a lady about the process when I overheard a conversation in the next cubicle about me. They were doing a background verification on me and all of their information was correct except my middle name. So, I introduced myself and corrected them. They were offended and began to yell and call me names. So, as the dream continues, a lady then came into the office and accused me of going into her purse and stealing from her....I, of course, was angry by this time and left the office. However, before leaving, I told them that they would hear from my attorney for defamation of my character. At that, they quickly apologized and wanted to right the wrong in order to keep this situation out of court. Read more inside...
In this season, I believe that God is bringing all things in divine order to His will. He is moving us by His Spirit to come into alignment (positioning) and agreement (harmony) with His will for our lives, His church, and the world. God is a God of order. We must remember that the message of the Kingdom spread through persecution in the early church. The early church had gotten comfortable with Jerusalem as its headquarters and base, they had all things common, no need or lack among them, and they were content to stay right where they were. After all, they were teaching people about Jesus; people were getting saved, healed, and delivered; but one thing they lacked was fulfilling the full commission of Christ to the entire world...and not just the world they knew (Matthew 28). Read more inside...
Have you ever been desperate? Desperation has a kind of negative connotation with it, however the reality is that it is neither positive or negative. The emphasis of desperation is more on the reason why someone is desperate. Spiritually speaking, desperation can cause you to either run to God or run away from Him. It can cause you to depend on God to handle your emergency or bypass Him and take care of it yourself. However, desperation can be the fuel that you need to keep the comforting fires of warmth burning, or it can be the blistering snow storm that stops help from coming. Ultimately, we choose. Read more inside...
Our lives presently reflect the choices and decisions we have made through the course of our time and journey on the earth. The greatest thing that God has given us next to salvation is the freedom of choice...the right to choose our own course and destiny. We have a choice and yet, heaven is watching the choices and decisions we make daily. Read more inside...
Recently, I attending a women's conference and watched God show up and out. I was okay with the teaching and the preaching of the Word, but when she started to prophecy and impart to the women through healing and deliverance needless to say I backed up and down...because it was above my grade! What am I saying? Find out inside...
Scripture says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). And, unless you've done some deep heart wrenching weeping, you can never fully appreciate the joy that comes in the morning. The release in expecting new beginnings, new hope, fresh horizons, and newness of spirit is absolutely awesome! The glory is God's because it is him that restores, renews, refreshes, regenerates, and rejuvenates our spirits in its weakened state. It is He that answers our cry, and it is He that takes upon Himself to give us of Himself- His love, His peace, and His joy. Read more inside...