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Creating Orderly Sermons: The Divisions

What are Divisions? Well, divisions are the main sections of a sermon that has an orderly structure. These sections can be stated during the delivery of the sermon, or they may not. However, it's important to know that a properly planned message will have very distinct sections, and each section helps provide clarity to the unity of the message. We will provide you with three major reasons why you should ensure that you utilize divisions properly when planning your sermons.

Sermon HelpsCreating Orderly Sermons: The Divisions


What are Divisions? Well, divisions are the main sections of a sermon that has an orderly structure. These sections can be stated during the delivery of the sermon, or they may not.  However, it's important to know that a properly planned message will have very distinct sections, and each section helps provide clarity to the unity of the message. We will provide you with three major reasons why you should ensure that you utilize divisions properly when planning your sermons.


1.) Divisions Help You Remember the Main Points In Your Message

One thing that tends to be very distracting is a preacher that reads to their audience.  Often times, adult listeners feel mildly insulted when they are being read to instead of spoken too. Maintaining good eye contact during your sermon is critical and the proper use of divisions ensure that you do so. When you take the time to arrange your message properly, this error can be avoided. Utilizing an outline of your sermon may help you so that you can remember how you outlined your points and recall them to memory quickly.


2.) Divisions Help You Express Your Thoughts Clearly

When you take the time to outline your sermon, and create distinct divisions, it affords you the opportunity to develop specific ideas and points. Your thoughts will be so precise that your audience will receive the points you intend for the to hear as soon as you speak it. Developing an outline or some form of formal structure will discipline you to clearly articulate your thoughts.  This will help you ensure that the message is clear in your own spirit and flows in a proper order.


3.) Divisions Help You See the Subject and its Relationship To the Entire Message

When you began to structure your ideas and expressions for your message, you will be able to take an objective view at what the subject is as a whole and the various sub-sets of that subject, and how it relates to your entire message from one section to another. Some parts of your subject will stand out obviously in order for you to provide special attention to it for the listeners. Other parts of the subject might end up being deleted because you have clear enough divisions to realize whether or not, it flows within the framework that you have created for your message. Utilizing divisions within your subject will also help you decide what order to put your sub-sets in thus helping you formulate a very strong outline for memory.