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A Special Word of Encouragment

Since I have been in ministry for 34 years I had to take and taste many things on my spiritual journey that were not always appeasing or pleasing. Some pills were harder to swallow and some hills were harder to climb. This month I sensed the need to pause and encourage some of you who do not "feel" productive or acceptable. Get your word if encouragement inside...
A Special Word of Encouragement

by Dr. Geraldine H. McInnis



Thank you women of God for allowing me into your hearts over the past several months as  an inspirational communicator and regular columnist. PreachingWoman.com is filled with rich and valuable nuggets that will benefit you for years to come. I celebrate Evangelist Nichelle Early for allowing her vision to live and not get dusty or die!


Since I have been in ministry for 34 years I had to take and taste many things on my spiritual journey that were not always appeasing or pleasing. Some pills were harder to swallow and some hills were harder to climb. This month I sensed the need to pause and encourage some of you who do not "feel" productive or acceptable.

  • Do not allow circumstances, insecurities, failures or disappointments stop you from pursuing your dreams. There may be someone reading this article that do not feel "up to par" regarding  the completion of your goals.  Some of you may have personal desires that have not been met and you find yourself decreasing in your spark for life. You have quietly retired behind the closed curtain with hopes that nobody will notice that you are missing.  You have questioned your calling because the numbers do not add up. You do your best but all you see is less.  Let me say: You do not see what is around the corner. God has more in store for you and your labor is not in vain. It takes a discipline to stay focused -- keep a mental and spiritual eye on the goal that is ahead.

  • Do not get disheartened over what others have already attained. Celebrate with them for their accomplishments. This will eliminate feelings of envy, jealousy and strife. Now celebrate the steps you have made and do not discredit yourself because of the time it is taking you to fulfill a goal and to finish an assignment.  You cannot compare yourself with others. Each one of us has our own path to walk and purpose to work. Some people are allowed to take the elevator...others the escalator...then, there are those, like myself, who had to take the steps. It took years of sacrifice and steadfastness for me to obtain my Masters in Christian Counseling and my Doctorate in Theology. The good news is that I am more current, alert and active with updated knowledge and information than many who received their degrees 30 years ago.

  • Do not make a water fountain a well and do not make a well your waterfall. In other words, do not make a temporary place of refreshing your permanent place of residence. We stop at the water fountain to moisten our inner man for a limited time. We cannot stay there and guzzle a quart of water. We must move on because we have places to return and there are others in line waiting to grab a swig. My father would say "just enough to wet your whistle."  On our journey as messengers and preachers we cannot articulate well with a dry mouth or a dry soul.  Then there are times we need to stand by the well and pull up a bucket of water to refresh ourselves and to take some back for others. At the well you can stand for a longer period of time. That alone moment might be revolutionary! A Visitor may come by to give you revelation knowledge about some things going on in your life.  I don't know about you but when I receive revelation and illumination regarding a hard to solve matter I am ready to run and share the good news with others!

  • Do not make that well experience a permanent place to hang out...move on in grace. Then there are times when you are tired, beat, emotionally torn and physically worn. This is when the Good Shepherd leads you by the still waters of life to restore your soul. He knows the empty and dry spots in your heart, spirit and soul. Stay awhile and get refreshed. Do not jump up too fast because you see others on the stage or on the plasma screen. Do not lose focus of your purpose and assignment. Let the Good Shepherd irrigate your soul with His refreshing Word. Let Him take care of you so you can better take care of others. As quiet as it is kept, everybody need a time of restoration and encouragement...even the so-called giants!

I appreciate you and the work you are doing for the Master. Keep yourself refreshed and encouraged. God has not forgotten your labor of love. He will reward and restore you.


Until next month, I will remain "Dr. Mom."



About the Author

Dr. Geraldine McInnis lives in Bowie, MD and is joined in marriage and ministry with her husband Larry for over 30 years. They have three adult children and one grandson.Geraldine earned her Masters Degree in Christian Counseling and a Doctorate in Theology. She is a crisis interventionist and has pastored for over 16 years.She is one of the refreshing prophetic voices in the Christian arena. Visit Dr. Mom at: www.DrLadyGMcInnis.org and www.myspace.com/dr_gmcinnis