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Moving From Dream to Destiny: Your Haters May Actually Be Your Helpers

It's always a joy and an honor to present insight on ways to help you reach your greatest potential in the Lord. I am fully persuaded that God desires for you to win. The Word of God is full of reassurance of this fact. But how does one move from dream to destiny? Well, there are a number of steps that must be taken. Perhaps one of the most profound that we must realize is that it's a team effort. Read more inside...
Pastor Alonia JerniganMoving From Dream to Destiny: Your Haters May Actually Be Your Helpers
Written by Elder Alonia Jernigan



It's always a joy and an honor to present insight on ways to help you reach your greatest potential in the Lord. I am fully persuaded that God desires for you to win. The Word of God is full of reassurance of this fact. But how does one move from dream to destiny? Well, there are a number of steps that must be taken. Perhaps one of the most profound that we must realize is that it's a team effort.


I often quote a friend and business colleague, George Fraser, who spoke volumes when he said, "It takes teamwork to make the dream work." It matters not what is placed before you on your journey to success. We must realize that we cannot make it alone. No man is an island. Everybody needs somebody to make it through this life. Yes, God may be all we need spiritually, but God also moves through people. This is why He has taken careful steps to put the right people in the right place at the right time to bless us. One of the keys to this, however, is that we must have discernment to know who is with us and who is not. Real talk: not everyone will be our friend. Not everyone will embrace the dreams God has given specifically to us.


Case in point: Look at the life of Joseph. To some, he may have appeared to be a spoiled brat who got what he deserved. After all, he was his father's favorite. And who wanted to hear about him telling a dream that put him in authority over his brothers when they were all older than him? It seemingly made perfect sense for them to do what they did to him. On the other hand, another perspective reminds us of the reality that envy could play a major role in others' efforts to block your blessings. The good news behind such folly is knowing that what God has for you is for you. And when He gets ready to bless you, He's going to bless you. Glory!!!


Thanks be to God, Joseph was able to overcome a world of obstacles and ultimately reach his destiny of being governor of the land. In great part, this was due to the favor of God that rested on his life. At the same time, though, we cannot overlook the fact that God strategically put people in his path that helped to usher him into his destiny: his brothers, Potiphar, Potiphar's wife, the baker, the butler, Pharaoh. Did you notice that many on this list were those who we know were definitely not on Joseph's side? In fact, most of them meant Joseph absolutely no good? Well, the point in this is that God will even use those who work against us to help us get where He would have us to be! How amazing is that? So the lesson learned here is that our haters may actually be our helpers. Wow!


I encourage you to stay the course. Stay focused so that you may reach the destiny that you know God has for you. Seek allies who will pray with and for you, share resources and help strengthen you on this journey. At the same time, don't be afraid when there are those who appear to be distractions and obstacles. God is subliminally and strategically placing them to be a part of the journey as well. In the midst of it, though, make sure you stay prayed up. Ask God for wisdom and discernment on who to trust and who not to trust, what to say and what to keep to yourself. God will do it for you. I'm a witness. In the process, remember to do as Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." Be blessed!




About the Author
Alonia Jernigan is an Atlanta-based award winning journalist, as well as an author, preacher/teacher/speaker, entrepreneur and destiny coach. A licensed and ordained minister of the Gospel, she is known as an excellent writer, captivating and witty speaker and challenging teacher/trainer. For more information on Elder Alonia, visit her online at www.AloniaJernigan.com or www.Dream-2-Destiny.com.