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Live With Resolve!

What does it mean to live with resolve? Well, living with resolve is the firm decision to stay on course, stay with one's own convictions, and refusal to compromise and conform to the status quo. Specifically, the word resolve is defined: 1. To come to a definite decision about. 2. To solve or settle as a problem. 3. To make up one's mind; firm fitness or purpose (The Random House Dictionary). Jesus lived his life with resolve. He was completely sold out to the will of the Father determining never to exercise his own will independently of the Father's for his own judgment or acts; rather he lived a life of humbleness to God which reinforced his commitment to the Father's will (John 5:30). Find out how you too can live with resolve inside...
What does it mean to live with resolve? Well, living with resolve is the firm decision to stay on course, stay with one's own convictions, and refusal to compromise and conform to the status quo.  Specifically, the word resolve is defined: 1. To come to a definite decision about. 2. To solve or settle as a problem.  3. To make up one's mind; firm fitness or purpose (The Random House Dictionary).
Jesus lived his life with resolve.  He was completely sold out to the will of the Father- determining never to exercise his own will independently of the Father's for his own judgment or acts; rather he lived a life of humbleness to God which reinforced his commitment to the Father's will (John 5:30).  We must also live our lives with resolve. Chapter 14 of Romans verse 5 says that every man must be fully persuaded in his own mind.  In the context of this scripture, the Holy Spirit, speaking through Paul, is admonishing the Roman church to stand firm and overcome doubt, which is one of the enemies of resolve.  Doubt has a tendency to mask itself in the issues of the day, as particular in this chapter, regarding what to eat and what not to eat.  The root of doubt is of course fear. Doubt says: "I'm not sure."  It causes us to lack confidence in God's character and His ability to fulfill what he has promised.  We overcome doubt by making the decision to stay in resolve.  Resolve says: "I am fully persuaded that God is able to do this or that." Resolve also says, "God is true," while doubt shouts, "He's a liar."
In the same chapter, Paul also finds it necessary to tackle the issue of conscience. Our conscience must stay clear before God in order for us to maintain our freedom and peace of mind in Christ: in other words our resolve.  The decision to keep a clear conscience must be made before issues arise in our lives in order for us overcome them, or else we stand the chance of succumbing to divers temptations and doubt. 
 Again, in another instance, the Holy Spirit through Paul teaches the church at Corinth that satan seeks to beguile them from the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus through subtlety (I Corinthians 11:3). [I believe] subtlety is one of the enemy's weapons of choice.  If he can get us into the place of uncertainty and reason (doubt), then he can deceive us into compromising our resolve and relationship with God.
Therefore, in your everyday living, I want to encourage you to make the decision to live in a place of resolve. Stand in a place where your choices and decisions are sure-footed: "For on Christ the solid Rock we stand, all other ground is sinking sand."  Remember what the Psalmist says: "He makes our feet like hinds feet..." (Psalm 18:33).  Choose to be fully persuaded, for you know in whom you have believed.  Today is the day to make up your mind to stay firm and settled in your purpose, facing every problem and every situation knowing that you can continue to go forward in the favor of God.  Live resolved, knowing that no matter who comes and who goes; who stays and who leaves; that you will be firmly rooted and grounded in your decision to believe God and follow Christ every day! God bless!