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Christmas cards are big business. Nearly 2 billion holiday cards will be purchased, addressed and mailed this Christmas season alone. From family, friends, and neighbors to work associates, clients and customers, virtually everyone is caught in the holiday card frenzy whether they celebrate the season or not.
The rules of proper etiquette and protocol have been around for years, but they are far more important in this day and age than ever before. Implementing proper etiquette and protocol skills into everyday life should be habit for everyone - including children. After all, a person who displays proper etiquette not only feels good about himself, he also makes those around him feel important and respected. Read more inside...
Every now and again, as a minister, you may be invited to do media interviews. Therefore, we would like to provide you with a few practical tips to help you present your best self! Find out these great tips insdie...
As a homegoing (funeral) officiant or minister, you may be asked to take on the very important assignment of reading the resolution and or acknowledgments at a homegoing service. Often times, there is uncertainty about how many resolutions, cards, or acknowledgements to read. Therefore, we want to provide a few etiquette tips to assist you so that you can successfully fulfill this task respectfully and efficiently. Please consider the following tips below. Read more inside...
Handshake etiquette is more significant than you might assume. After all, it is well understood that first impressions are an factor in interviewing and in just about any other social situation. And a satisfactory handshake is absolutely a part of your first impression.
Proper church phone etiquette will present your church or ministry effectively. A strong first impression over the phone is one of the most important keys to building your ministry. Find out how you can improve your ministry's phone etiquette inside...
Often, as a minister, you will be invited to give words of expression before the conclusion of a service. This can be challengeing for many preachers as they struggle to resist the temptation to repreach what they have already heard, plug themselves by showing their ability to preach, or simply trying to revive the audience after a long message. What ever the case, it is important as a preacher that you get up and do what you are asked to do, and only that, which is give brief words of expression as requested. Find out how inside...
Nowadays, there are different names for coaches. While the most common kind of coach is a life coach, there are others to include career coach, public relations coach, fitness coach, empowerment coach, business coach, relationship coach, executive coach, lifestyle and etiquette coach, credit coach, finance coach, fashion/imaging coach, among many others. I've even branded myself as a destiny coach. In short - as you can probably tell by some of the names of the various kinds of coaches - a coach is one who has established him/herself as an expert in their chosen area and subsequently shares that expertise with others that need help in that area. But how does one identify a coach? How do you know who to trust? How much are the services? Find out more inside...
Working virtually means that we don't see people face to face every day. We know that we need to perfect the skill of social networking in order to expand our audience and, well, our network. But it takes skills in order to be able to do this effectively. We can't just walk into a virtual 'room' and greet everyone we know and meet them. So here are a few tips on how to engage people while exercising etiquette...Find out inside...

In serving your leader there are unwritten protocols that you must abide by. Even if your leader didn't sit down and explain these to you, they exist. Most leaders' prayers are that the armor bearers learn certain protocols in the School of the Spirit. Therefore, allow the Holy Spirit to sharpen you in your service. Consider some of the "Back-room Etiquette Rules" inside...