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In spite of being childless and with no childrearing moments to celebrate, Elisabeth was faithful in her duty towards God. Both she and Zacharias, although well stricken, were well situated for God to breathe upon their lives and upon their bodies. God was going to do a new thing for this faithful, righteous, and blameless couple. God was about to shine forth his favor upon this unsuspecting couple, and grant unto them a dream come true, which they thought, was a dream deferred, and God can do the same for you! Read more inside...
When you keep in mind that you work for God and not just for someone or a income; your supervisor or co-workers might not know how hard and faithfully you work, but God does and that means you will succeed. Read more inside...
Let me first say that it's your time and it's your turn! This is the season of the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:31), yielding forth fire, glory, greater, increase, acceleration, etc. However, it's not short of warfare… and we thank God for all of it! I say that because maybe you're like me in that this year [has yielded forth some] unexpected things of life that you had no control over. From losing my job; to my husband's health issues; to personal family matters; so far, this year has been real. And yet...read more inside...
God recently blessed my family with a beautiful new home for which we are very grateful. On the way home the other day I glanced through the rear view mirror and saw a vehicle from a business I used to work at several years ago. One of my responsibilities was to drive this HUGE vehicle, which I didn't particularly like to do because I'm a very small woman. However, what could I do? Duty called and I answered. Plus the job was easy and my family needed the additional salary, even though it wasn't that much.
Have you ever felt that as soon as you've decided to fervently believe God for something, out of nowhere comes every reason not to? Seriously, it seems that as soon as you get your faith tuned up to step out and believe God, all of a sudden things appear to go awry. Whether it's your intent to: accept your call to ministry; maybe decide to change jobs; reject a negative doctor's diagnosis; lose weight; buy your first home; or any other faith required feat; it looks as if there is always someone or something, whether it be a news report, economic downturn, or health condition, standing ready to shake your faith to the very core and cause you to abandon what you've decided to believe God for. Read more inside...
In 2012, you went through some very hard times; you were tested on every side, even oppressed, stressed, and depressed, and just couldn't understand why God would not bring you through. But it didn't mean that God was not concerned or that He didn't know about your situation. There was a reason for your testing, and He allowed you to go through because on the other side, there would be a strong testimony. He determined that you would be able to handle it. And He knew that through this process, you would remain faithful. Find out what happens next inside...
God is a giver and we, like Him, should be givers as well. It's not about what we can get but what God gives. It is written: "for freely have you received so freely give" (Matthew 10:8). It's not a matter of what we can do for the Kingdom of God but more a matter of whether or not God can trust us with the Kingdom. Are you a vessel fully submitted to God that he can trust? Read more inside...
How are you feeling? Are you excited? Perhaps you are considering many of the past events of last year. Either or, many people see this time as the perfect opportunity to "reset" or "reassess" their personal, spiritual, physical, and or financial goals. So how did you do last year? Did you keep and meet all of the goals and declarations you made last year this time? Well if you did, congratulations! If you did not, no worries, we have a word of encouragement just for you. Read more inside...
No Way to Lose is a brief of Bishop Rosie S. O'neal's bout with a very rare form of cancer, LMS. Recognized nationally and internationally as a bold preacher/teacher of God's word, Bishop O'neal uses this same boldness to recount defining mental, physical, and spiritual moments throughout her battle with cancer. This is an excellent and concise resource to motivate and encourage men and women who are facing a challenging situation to maintain their faith in God, eternal truths, and make the most of the experience! Purchase Your Copy Inside...
When you have real love, you should be smiling. You should feel secure in knowing that when you share your inner most feelings with him that he won't judge you or throw it back up in your face. You should feel confident in knowing that your man is faithful and that the only woman he wants to be with is you. If you have a child with him, then you should feel proud in knowing he takes care of his responsibility and is a great father. read more inside...