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The festive season doesn't have to be one long binge of unhealthy eating, followed by weeks spent trying to undo the damage. Follow these simple healthy eating tips for a delicious Christmas. Find out inside...
If you are seeking to lose a few pounds, you may or may not have heard about how important it is to get enough sleep. This article will provide the specific reasons why sleep is important in trying to lose weight and how it will aid you in your weight-loss endeavor. Read more inside...
Starting a New Years Diet? There's never been a better time to change your eating habits, lose weight and get healthier. A new year brings the momentum you often need to make changes and achieve your brand new body. Here are 3 tips to help you lose weight on your New Years diet and make healthier changes: Find out about them inside...
If you are starting a weight loss program one key component is drinking 8 glasses of water at minimum each day. This can seem like a daunting task, but you can do it! Find out how inside...
It's getting warmer, and it's time to begin thinking about losing those unwanted winter pounds! Let us help motivate you, by spotlighting this awesome book by Pastor Deborah Dukes. The Accelerated Weight Loss Diet Plan & Journal will be sure to get you on your way to a better, healthier, more beautiful you! Purchase your copy today! Read More Inside...