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Let me first say that it's your time and it's your turn! This is the season of the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:31), yielding forth fire, glory, greater, increase, acceleration, etc. However, it's not short of warfare… and we thank God for all of it! I say that because maybe you're like me in that this year [has yielded forth some] unexpected things of life that you had no control over. From losing my job; to my husband's health issues; to personal family matters; so far, this year has been real. And yet...read more inside...
Have you ever felt that as soon as you've decided to fervently believe God for something, out of nowhere comes every reason not to? Seriously, it seems that as soon as you get your faith tuned up to step out and believe God, all of a sudden things appear to go awry. Whether it's your intent to: accept your call to ministry; maybe decide to change jobs; reject a negative doctor's diagnosis; lose weight; buy your first home; or any other faith required feat; it looks as if there is always someone or something, whether it be a news report, economic downturn, or health condition, standing ready to shake your faith to the very core and cause you to abandon what you've decided to believe God for. Read more inside...
believe this is the season of the MANIFESTED GLORY OF GOD! The Bible declares, " For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the REVEALING of the SONS OF GOD". Romans 8:19. The glory of God and impartation are in this season. Don't miss your time of visitation. Read more inside...
How are you feeling? Are you excited? Perhaps you are considering many of the past events of last year. Either or, many people see this time as the perfect opportunity to "reset" or "reassess" their personal, spiritual, physical, and or financial goals. So how did you do last year? Did you keep and meet all of the goals and declarations you made last year this time? Well if you did, congratulations! If you did not, no worries, we have a word of encouragement just for you. Read more inside...
don't know about anyone else, but I cannot believe the year 2012 has basically come and gone so quickly. Where did all the time go? As we ushered in the New Year, I embraced a winning attitude that proclaimed, "It SHALL be well in 2012." As such, I believed God for restoration and prosperity in every way. Now that the year is almost gone, I think now is an appropriate time to see how close we are to making the mark. Has this year been all that you wanted it to be? Did you receive your big breakthrough? Did things get better at all or are you still going in circles, facing the same problems that were there before? Find out what to do inside...
In this season, I believe that God is bringing all things in divine order to His will. He is moving us by His Spirit to come into alignment (positioning) and agreement (harmony) with His will for our lives, His church, and the world. God is a God of order. We must remember that the message of the Kingdom spread through persecution in the early church. The early church had gotten comfortable with Jerusalem as its headquarters and base, they had all things common, no need or lack among them, and they were content to stay right where they were. After all, they were teaching people about Jesus; people were getting saved, healed, and delivered; but one thing they lacked was fulfilling the full commission of Christ to the entire world...and not just the world they knew (Matthew 28). Read more inside...
The Kingdom of Heaven is so contrary to our own natural mindset. Has it changed over the years? Has mankind always had a certain struggle to simply believe in Jesus and The Kingdom of Heaven? Has it always been somewhat of a struggle to operate along the mindset of The Kingdom? Yes, yes, and yes! Read more inside...
Christians across the globe are struggling with how to maximize their funds and the reach of their ministry. Every Believer can agree that God wants us to have access to the full abundance that he desires in our lives. How does a Christian maximize their ability to serve if they are struggling with their current finances? How does a Believer who is financially stable decide what would be the best use of their resources? Find out how inside...
Christians across the globe are struggling with how to maximize their funds and the reach of their ministry. Every Believer can agree that God wants us to have access to the full abundance that he desires in our lives. How does a Christian maximize their ability to serve if they are struggling with their current finances? How does a Believer who is financially stable decide what would be the best use of their resources? Find out how inside...
Legacy Living is all about touching humanity, through the use of your life, gifts, and talents, on behalf of God and His Kingdom. I believe each and every person who enters this side of heaven has the potential to leave a rich legacy. Your life itself should stand as a memorial for God for the entire world to see! When coupled with the fruits of your gifts and talents, you should, in no uncertain terms, leave an indelible mark upon the lives of men now, and possibly throughout eternity. For instance, the great Apostle Paul is dead and gone, but his writings are still touching lives today. Not only today, but also what he has deposited in the earth has become a part of our spirits and will stay with us throughout eternity. Wow! Read more inside...