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Let me first say that it's your time and it's your turn! This is the season of the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:31), yielding forth fire, glory, greater, increase, acceleration, etc. However, it's not short of warfare… and we thank God for all of it! I say that because maybe you're like me in that this year [has yielded forth some] unexpected things of life that you had no control over. From losing my job; to my husband's health issues; to personal family matters; so far, this year has been real. And yet...read more inside...
believe this is the season of the MANIFESTED GLORY OF GOD! The Bible declares, " For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the REVEALING of the SONS OF GOD". Romans 8:19. The glory of God and impartation are in this season. Don't miss your time of visitation. Read more inside...
In 2012, you went through some very hard times; you were tested on every side, even oppressed, stressed, and depressed, and just couldn't understand why God would not bring you through. But it didn't mean that God was not concerned or that He didn't know about your situation. There was a reason for your testing, and He allowed you to go through because on the other side, there would be a strong testimony. He determined that you would be able to handle it. And He knew that through this process, you would remain faithful. Find out what happens next inside...
There may have been many times in life when you have been shunned, pushed aside, abandoned, abused, told you would never be anybody, the last one to be called upon, and made to feel like God has not called you. But do you know that it is often people who have gone through those instances that God has favored the most? There are many examples in the Bible where God took those that were the least of them, and made them prominent in the land. He can take what's next to nothing and make something great out of it. He can take what's unpopular, and make a spectacle of it, all for His glory. He can even take the impossible that has happened in your life, the very thing that everyone feels will never come to pass, and cause it to happen in a second, bringing you from the backdrop to the forefront. Why? Because God is the God of the Possible. Read more inside...
Scripture says weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning (Psalm 30:5). And, unless you've done some deep heart wrenching weeping, you can never fully appreciate the joy that comes in the morning. The release in expecting new beginnings, new hope, fresh horizons, and newness of spirit is absolutely awesome! The glory is God's because it is him that restores, renews, refreshes, regenerates, and rejuvenates our spirits in its weakened state. It is He that answers our cry, and it is He that takes upon Himself to give us of Himself- His love, His peace, and His joy. Read more inside...
Having a Divine Purpose is like accessorizing your character with kingdom jewelry. It not only attracts the influence of God's Kingdom, but gives you the ability to attract others to the Kingdom. An accessory is an object or device that adds to the beauty or effectiveness of something else. It's the power of attraction that allows us to impact the world with God's Glory. Read more inside...
By the grace of God, we have made it to see yet another year. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Now that the New Year has been ushered in, I have to tell you that I've made it a practice over the last several years not to make New Year's resolutions. After all, how many of us can honestly say that we've made resolutions and really stuck to them? I'll be honest enough to tell you I've never been in that number. I'm at a point in my life where I don't feel the need to make New Year's resolutions. Find out why inside...
At some point or another, each of us has experienced a defining moment. You know, the moment when you sense a monumental shift that causes you to re-evaluate where you are and how you got there. Or perhaps it's the moment when you realize it's time to awaken old dreams and past prophesies you've allowed to lie dormant. Maybe it's that painful time in your life that helped you see that "all things really do work together for your good." Whatever the case, you've potentially experienced a defining moment that God wants to use for His glory. Find out what Pastor Danielle Murphy says inside about her defining moment!
Nicole Armstrong was born in Kingston, Jamaica. She accepted the Lord Jesus as her savior at the tender age of seven. In 1985 she relocated to the United States, where she attended the New Greater Bethel Ministries; In 1997 she relocated to Atlanta Georgia. Find out more about Prophetess Armstrong inside...
In "From The Cradle To The Pulpit", Dr. Greene intimately shares her personal story on how God took her from harvesting cotton as a little girl in the scorching hot fields of North Carolina to harvesting souls for His glory in pulpits across the country. Bertha Greene has been commissioned to help the fallen be raised to stand and even through the many trials of her own life; including losing her only biological son, she has remained steadfast in her call and her duty to minister God's Word to the lost. Her life is a true testimony that no matter how hard life gets, when God has a Call on your life, nothing is impossible!