Written by Nichelle Early, Executive Editor
I am so excited about 2009 I can hardly contain myself! Aren't you excited? If not, you should be, let me tell you why. I believe that we are embarking upon one of the greatest seasons in the body of Christ in 2009. I believe that this will be the year of the Holy Spirit: a year of an abundance of God's presence, His fruitfulness, and the birthing of many spectacular blessings, accomplishments, gifts, ministries, and most importantly, a great harvest of souls for Christ. I believe we are going to experience a new dimension in God that we've never seen before! Will you believe that with me? Join me in looking forward to reaping the harvest God has promised and walking into a supernatural season of the fruitfulness of God!

1.) Pray, Pray, Pray!: Prayer is more than just you speaking to God. It's coupled with allowing Him to speak while you listen. This is a time where we must meditate and be contemplative before the Lord. It is also a time of thanksgiving. We must posture ourselves to thank God in advance for all that He is, all that He is doing, and all that is already done in the spirit to be manifested in the natural. In addition to that, I believe that God is going to allow us to reap a great of harvest from prayers prayed years ago. Even those you prayed in past years including 2008 that you didn't see manifested, look for them in 2009! It's the year of harvest!
2.) Fast, Fast, Fast!: If there was ever a time that we should present our bodies and living sacrifices, holy and acceptable unto God it's now. Fasting is about denying ourselves of food for a time, while praying and reading the Word of God, in order to be more sensitive to what God is saying and the instructions that He has for us. There are many examples of fasting of food in the Bible. If you need to have an assurance about your purpose and the plans God has for you, your family, and your ministry, fasting is a great start. There are several types of fasts, such as the absolute fast, the partial fast, the Daniel fast and many more. Seek God concerning the fast that you should experience and it's also a good idea to seek the counsel of your primary care physician before beginning a fast.
3.) Dream, Dream, Dream!: My good friend Dr. Hooper says that "this is the year of the dreamer!" And, I agree. So, allow yourself to dream again. Whatever the matter may be, see yourself there. It may be weight lost, see yourself at your goal size; see the anointing that you want upon your ministry and life; see the souls that you desire to be saved; see the job that you want to have, the book you want to write, that business, the baby you want to have. If you can dream it, you can have it! Find scriptures that confirm your dream, write the dream (vision) and make it plain, and look for the reality!
4.) Believe, Believe, Believe!: Without faith, it's impossible to please God. Therefore, you must believe that whatsoever you desire, when you pray, when you fast, when you dream, according to the will of God you can have it. Remember, it is His good pleasure to load you with benefits. God wants to bless those who love Him and glorify Him. God wants you to prosper and be in good health EVEN AS or EQUAL TO your soul prospering...will you believe? It's really not that hard. Just DECIDE that you will believe!
5.) Rejoice, Rejoice, Rejoice!: Rejoice in the Lord always, because He is faithful to fulfill His promises! Rejoice because He is a great God and besides Him there is no other! Rejoice, because God loves you very much and you are so incredibly special to Him! Rejoice because you know in the end you win! Rejoice, because you may not have finished everything in 2008, but 2009 is the year of the manifested harvest! Reap and Rejoice!
P.S. I said everything three times because three is a multiple of nine, which is the number of fruitfulness, harvest, gestation, multiplication, and I believe that God is going to multiply His favor upon you in 2009. So, say what you want three times every day! This is the year of fruitfulness and harvest!
Happy New Year!
Evg. Nichelle Early
Founder/Executive Editor