There is Room for Restoration!
As we look around, we see that some of our brothers and sisters have given to the stress of just merely trying to survive from day to day. Marriages are being strained, the divorce rates are on the rise, crime is running ramped and it makes us sit back and wonder, "How will all this be restored? Is there any room for restoration? Find out more inside...
There is Room for Restoration!
Written by Nichelle Early, Executive Editor
A As we look around, we see that some of our brothers and sisters have given to the stress of just merely trying to survive from day to day. Marriages are being strained, the divorce rates are on the rise, crime is running ramped and it makes us sit back and wonder, "How will all this be restored? Is there any room for restoration?
Then we turn and listen to the presidential candidacy debates and hear a bunch of promises to end the war, to empower the economy, and can't help but wonder, if any these promises will be kept? And while they continue to debate, the "Audacity of Our Hope" is being challenged while we are working harder, working longer, faced with the challenges just trying to get through the day. Sometimes the frustration climaxes to the point that by the time you get home your mind can't rest at night, the pressure seems to be mounting, irritation seems to loom at every hand, and you are trying to get an understanding of why you are in a season where you feel so exhausted, when we were suppose to be doing so great in 2008. Some of us are even beginning to question the promises of God.
However, in examining Ezekiel 37:1-14, we encounter the story commonly known as, "The Valley of Dry Bones." We find that the Israelites were in a place where they too were frustrated with the circumstances of their current situation.
Therefore, God gave Ezekiel a vision to reassure the Israelites that the promises of God are secure, that there is hope, and that restoration is inevitable. God wanted the Israelites to know that He was going to bring them out of exile and back to their home land, back to a place of comfort. He wanted them to know that not only was he going to restore them back to their land, but also that He was going to put His Spirit in them and that they would live and be settled in their own land. Then they would know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Lord had spoken it through Ezekiel and that it was He and He alone who had done it.
So, continue to trust God and know that there is room for restoration!
God Bless,
ff Evg. Nichelle Early
Founder/Executive Editor
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