Let the Beauty of the Lord Be Upon You!
The word beauty conjures up several different emotions. Sometimes we associate beauty with how we look, or the features of a runway super model, the feeling of cuddling a new born baby, a magnificent sunset, picturesque view of the mountains and much more. But, I submit to you that none of these things compare to the beauty of the Lord.
God's beauty is that attribute in of Himself in which He equals the sum of every desirable quality, especially as it relates to His perfection. His perfection means that He does not lack anything that is desirable and God's beauty means that He has everything desirable bundled within the essence of His being. Think about that for a moment (selah)...God possesses everything that is desirable.
Now, how does this apply to us? Well, Psalm 90: 17 says:
And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us: yea, the work of our hands, establish thou it.
If God's beauty means that He has everything desirable, then, I would believe that if we were to wear His beauty then, we would have His desires and He would establish all of our plans and works accordingly. We would not have to worry about what we don't have, as far as money, gifting, resources, etc. because everything desirable is in His beauty. And that's the beauty of it all.
When the beauty of the Lord is upon you, you will have the strength and the power to do all that He has called you to without stress or strain, because everything that is desireable to get it done is in Him and in His beauty. And guess what, that's an attribute He wants to share with you.
So, let the beauty of the Lord be upon you, because when it is, there is no desire that He has for you, that you will not be able to accomplish, because His desires will be your desires. And trust me, His desires for you are far greater than you can every imagine. So, ask God to let His beauty be upon you and do all that He has called you to in this season!
Be Beautiful In Him,
Evg. Nichelle Early
Founder/Executive Editor