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Her Sermon Helps

Many people are a little intimidated by parables when they stumble accross them in the word of God, particularly in the New Testament. Some say that they are hard to understand, others don't want to really take the time to seek the Lord for His intended meaning regarding them. However, today, we want to provide you with a few tips to help you correctly interpret parables so that you will enjoy and gain life from the amplification of the doctrinal passages of the Bible. Look inside now!

Crafting a great introduction to your sermon is one of the best opportunities to captivate and maintain your audience's attention. However, often times, preachers forfeit this instance by giving way to general remarks or announcements that have no relevancy to the sermon they are about to bring. Therefore, it is very imperative to create introductions that are well thought out and clearly articulated in order to lead the listener seamlessly into the message you are about to bring.

Sometimes, choosing the right sermon title can be one of the most challenging endeavors of message preparation. Balancing the need for relevancy, peaking curiosity, and provoking the appropriate response, can sometimes become muddled by the perpetual desire to arouse attention. Therefore, proper titling of sermons, or messages as some may call them, requires careful thought and effort on the behalf of the minister.

In the world of preaching there are many concepts of interpretation of scripture. To interpret means to convey the true meaning of something that is either written or spoken by restating it in different words. Language has been continuously evolving since the Bible was written over 1500 years ago. Thus, we are challenged with linguistic barriers as we attempt to interpret what the Bible is saying to us.