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Relationships: The Christian Man's Point of View

Having a Closed Mind: Can We Be Honest?

Having a closed mind in a relationship may lead your partner to believe that you think they are always wrong and that you are always right. Often times, you may think that there is no need to listen to what your loved one has to say, or hear any advice from them because accordingly, you may feel you have all of the answers and know everything. Find out what make s your relationship better inside....

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Having a Closed Mind: Can We Be Honest?

Written by Anthony Small


Having a closed mind in a relationship may lead your partner to believe that you think they are always wrong and that you are always right. Often times, you may think that there is no need to listen to what your loved one has to say, or hear any advice from them because accordingly, you may feel you have all of the answers and know everything.



Well, if that's the case, let's test that perspective. Please solve the following mathematical equation:


____ + ____ = 7


Possible Answers: 0+7=7 * 1+6=7 * 2+5=7 * 3+4=7.


Now, let's be honest. As you worked the above math problem, did you only offer one of the above answers? Or, did you consider that there could be more than one answer?  Either or, you can plainly see there are four right answers to that one equation. The point I am making with this is that your answer to a particular problem is not always the only answer.


When communicating with you partner, it is important to understand that he or she may also have possible answers and solutions to the matter at hand. Therefore, if you would take time to listen to each other, you might actually agree that there is a better way of doing things and accept the fact that your partner may know things that you don't know, just as you may know things they don't know.



Life is about gaining knowledge. Knowledge will help you get through things better, deal with each other more effectively, and most importantly, help you become a better child of God.



Proverbs 12:15 says: "Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others."


If you want to be wiser, do as the Word of God says and listen to others. Listen to your partner. I know it may be hard at first because you may not be used to doing it, but the next time your partner brings something to your attention, listen to what they have to say until they are finished. Listen to their words, and listen to their heart, you may just learn something that you didn't know!

About the Author:

Anthony Small, contributing editor for PreachingWoman.com, is an entreprenuer that loves to write for the glory of God.  He is the CEO of PreachPastorPreach.com and TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.com web design company.  Visit his website at http://www.TakeYourBusinessToTheNextLevel.comor http://www.PreachPastorPreach.com