National Clergy Appreciation Day was designated in the United States to recognize and honor leading pastors for their untiring labor as spiritual under shepherds. This special day was set aside for the second Sunday in October. However, some assemblies extended the time to make the entire month one of celebration.
I have been a pastor for eighteen years and it is a full time responsibility of rigorous and vigorous work. A shepherd's schedule can be interrupted in a moment's notice if there is a critical or traumatic condition with the sheep. Pastors must set aside devoted time with the heavenly Shepherd in order to receive a fresh word for the sheep to hear, digest and apply.
During the mountain top experiences you may be regarded as the best pastor on earth! But during times of correction you may receive a "thumbs down" and an empty offering envelope! They will expect you to render to them your undivided attention when they talk even though they were asleep during your great sermon on the mount message!
The pastor will have to pull the disobedient sheep out of holes of despair after they did not heed your warning to turn the other way. We will have to forgive, forget and move forward even when they are unlovable and unbelievable.
So today I want to acknowledge and celebrate all leading pastors for your efforts and labor of love! My heart is moved by those who serve faithfully as pastors. I honor you because I know it is not an easy office in which to walk. It takes an anointed and loving individual to deal with the bleeding, bleating and sometimes biting sheep!
I pray that you will feel encouraged on your path today and know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
- Remember that some sheep are misguided by the problems of life and they may make some unwise decisions in their lives.Don't give up on them. Allow them to walk through that situation. Pray for them as they go and perhaps, they will remember some of your rich nuggets that were spoken over them when they were last in attendance.
- Sometimes the goats will act up and make more noise than the sheep. They like to stir up commotion. Everything is "nay, nay!" It can be difficult to ignore their negative responses because of their annoying sounds. Just remember that goats are good for milk and cheese. So if they never say "thank you" or "I appreciate you" just take the milk and cheese as your gift and move on.
- If the sheep catches a spiritual, emotional or mental virus take the time to do quick intervention. Sometimes the sheep may need an incubation period. Have private moments with just them and speak wholeness and health into them.
- Try to kill the viral infection before it contaminates the whole flock. Murmuring is contagious. Laziness can be contagious. Immoral activities surely can be contagious. You can't close your eyes to those activities and wish the virus away.You must have corporate consecration and cleansing time.
Lastly, know your limits. Enough is enough and too much can make a shepherd tired, sick, frustrated, sad, angry, helpless, hopeless, agitated and ready to retire. Know when to take rest and refreshment breaks. Honor your body by laying it down in green pastures beside the still waters. That sounds like a cruise and a resort place to me!
Enjoy Clergy Appreciation Day/Month! You deserve to be celebrated!
Special Note: You are welcome to join me at Royal Priesthood in Lanham, MD as I celebrate 18 years as pastor and 35 years in mission and ministry. Our very own, Evangelist Nichelle Early will serve as my guest speaker on Sunday, October 18 during our morning service. See who else will be speaking throughout the month…visit:
With Much Love
Dr. Mom