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Ministry Etiquette

Working virtually means that we don't see people face to face every day. We know that we need to perfect the skill of social networking in order to expand our audience and, well, our network. But it takes skills in order to be able to do this effectively. We can't just walk into a virtual 'room' and greet everyone we know and meet them. So here are a few tips on how to engage people while exercising etiquette...Find out inside...

One of the more popular places that people (including Christians) go to on the internet to get information and to meet new people is Myspace. Over the years this website has grown by leaps and bounds and millions of people have found it to be a favorite. Perhaps you have heard of Myspace and unfortunately, what you have heard may have been a bit unsettling. If so, let me share with you that Myspace is not all bad and like everything else, we still have to take the good with the bad and see if it yet has something to offer to bless us.Read more inside...