The month of February is widely known as "Black History Month." As we celebrate the historical feats and accomplishments of African Americans, we know that it all started with a dream. Therefore, would like to spotlight an amazing book that will be sure to ignite your passion to pursue your dreams. Please take a moment to review Behold the Dreamer Cometh. This book is truly a must have, and is authored by Pastor Dionne S. Wood. Be sure to purchase your copy today!
Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, Jr. all share the tilte of "Dereamer." The men and women whom we recognize as great dreamers overcame great obstacles to bring forth great change. Are you willing to lay down your life or the sake of your own dream? Is your dream od inspired or self contrived? Are you one who merely just fantasizes about what could happen sometime in the future? Or, do you take action to make your dream a reality? Do you want God's agenda to be advanced so that He will be pleased? If so, then you're the one for whom God is calling. You, child of God, have joined the ranks of these great people. You have been chosen by God to dream a dream that will change the world.
In Behold the Dreamer Cometh, Dionne S. Wood intimately shares an amazing revelation of the labor and delivery process as it relates to the necessity of enduring the course of birthing your dreams into reality. This is a helpful resource and a must read for all who have an unyielding knowing that God has placed something great in your belly that must be delivered. Be sure to purchase this book today!
Dionne S. Wood has traveled all over the country ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ at conferences and meetings. A powerful preacher, anointed psalmist and effective intercessor, God has anointed her to deliver a prophetic, relevant, and timely word to His people in a way that will enlighten and challenge all who hear. To contact Dionne Wood, please visit