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Making Effective Appeals During Your Message

When you are ministering a word from the Lord, you want your message to have a broad-based appeal to everyone who is listening. In achieving this, it is imperative that you remember that everyone has a different way of understanding spoken words, so your ability to use diffent ways of explaining and making the Word of God clear is important. There are four kinds of appeals that must be made in order to do this. Find out what they are inside...
 Making Effective Appeals During Your Message


When you are ministering a word from the Lord, you want your message to have a broad-based appeal to everyone who is listening.  In achieving this, it is imperative that you remember that everyone has a different way of understanding spoken words, so your ability to use diffent ways of explaining and making the Word of God clear is important. There are four kinds of appeals that must be made in order to do this.



In Wayne McDill's, 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching,1 he explains and offers these following four kinds of appeals:


1. You have to appeal to the intellect of the hearer with explanation. 1

  • You do this by having an aim to be clear in your delivery of your message so that you are ensured that your audience truly understand. 

2. You have to appeal to the imagination of your hearer with illustration. 1

  • You do this by using vivid illustrations in order prompt the listener to be able to see by imagination what you are really saying.

3. You have to appeal to the reason of your hearer with argumentation. 1

  • You do this making plausible, credible, statements during your message with the aim to have your audience accept what you are saying.

4.  You have to appeal to the volition of your hearer with application. 1

  • You do this by being practical and relevant in your message so that your audience will leave with the intention to take action based upon what you have ministered, to include repentance.

Appealing to the whole person (intellect, imangination, reason and volition) - is the most effective way to ensure that what you are ministering is being received with the intention God gave it to you.


1 Wayne McDill, 12 Effective Skills for Great Preaching (Nashville: B&H Publishing Group,2006), 127-129