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Dismantling Devices That Divide Us!

Circulating throughout the pages of the Holy Bible we find accounts of feuds, frictions and factions. Most of the time the division is fueled within the institution of the family or the church. As we embrace the history of creation in the book of Genesis we are awed at God forming man and breathing into his nostrils the breath of life. Find out more about the Devices That Divide Us!
Dismantling Devices That Divide Us!

Part I: Overcoming Schisms to Embrace Unity!

Written by Dr. Geraldine McInnis, "Dr.Mom"


Circulating throughout the pages of the Holy Bible we find accounts of feuds, frictions and factions. Most of the time the division is fueled within the institution of the family or the church. As we embrace the history of creation in the book of Genesis we are awed at God forming man and breathing into his nostrils the breath of life.  Then the Lord relocates  man into his own estate known as the garden of Eden. 


We can only imagine the splendor of the garden and the beauty of its earthly contents. However, before we become too captivated we must watch for the entrance of the most cunning beast of the field, the serpent.  While the breeze of heaven was whisking sweet breezes through Eve's hair the serpent was whispering "sweet nothings" into her delicate ears.


The serpent is skilled at speaking in a convincing yet questionable tones about the Word of God. His plan is to tempt the spiritual leaders to become so inquisitive that they tiptoe outside of their boundaries and into a forbidden place of occupancy touching and tasting things that are prohibited. Adam and Eve succumbed to the tempter's snare and were deceived into eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They suddenly started viewing things differently. Innocence was no longer a part of their makeup. They began to see naked as something to hide. Like fugitives, they covered up and escaped the "presence of God."


The beginning stages of schisms have began to formulate. Schisms produce division, separation, discord and disharmony. (I Corinthians 12:25 - "That there should be no schism in the body; but that the members should have the same care one for another.") It can lead to a formal separation from religious connections, the Body of Christ and eventually God. Unity strengthens us but separation weakens us. The enemy's goal is to dishonor the power of unity by bringing tools of discord into a God ordained situation or institution.



We must become alert, awake and aware of the enemy's subtle tactics as God's leaders! The enemy knows when to strike a blow, speak an enticing word or present a false image. Each tactic can send us reeling and whirling from our unguarded places of contentment right into a mode of contention!


Satan was bold enough to visit Jesus to tempt Him after a long forty day fast.  Jesus was hungry when the tempter came to him. He started his persuasive talk but Jesus allowed the supernatural to supercede the natural man. In His weakened state Jesus rebuked the devil by quoting the Word of God. 


Preachers, Teachers and Leaders here are a few points and guidelines we can all follow:

  • Do not lose or abort your purpose because of fame, gain or lofty pursuits. 
  • The enemy prides himself in deceiving the leaders so they can separate themselves from God through acts of disobedience and unrepentant sins.
  • Do not be afraid to resist the devil. He will flee from you!
  • Never let the anointing nor favor that rests upon your life confuse you into thinking your actions are excusable and your deeds are acceptable. 

Pray this prayer with me: "Father guide me during my hungry, thirsty and weak moments. Let my thirst be quenched from the streams of Your living waters. Allow my hunger to be satisfied through the righteousness of Your word. Hold the reigns of my mind so I will not confuse the richness of your anointing for character correctness. When my soul is empty and my flesh is weak lead me back to the Garden [alone] and to remain at that place called Gethsemane until my will becomes Your will. Remember my partners, family and co-workers who are waiting for me in prayer until I return to serve. This is my prayer, in Jesus Name. Amen."  


About the Author

Dr. Geraldine McInnis lives in Bowie, MD and is joined in marriage and ministry with her husband Larry for over 30 years. They have three adult children and one grandson.Geraldine earned her Masters Degree in Christian Counseling and a Doctorate in Theology. She is a crisis interventionist and has pastored for over 16 years.She is one of the refreshing prophetic voices in the Christian arena.