There Is a Queen In You!
We are living in a dispensation of time where we are seeing all kinds of things take place. It is so inevitably evident that Jesus is on His way back. In one way or another we've all been impacted by the economic woes of this country; marriages have been attacked; ministries have taken major blows; some of us have lost loved ones suddenly or unexpectedly. Many of you have been attacked on your job, or maybe you've even lost your job. There has just been all kinds of natural disasters, evil acts of man, and kinds of diseases happening as we speak. And, these things have impacted some of us so strongly that it has caused many to be confronted with the question of "what in the world is going on?" Read more inside...
There Is a Queen In You!
We are living in a dispensation of time where we are seeing all kinds of things take place. It is so inevitably evident that Jesus is on His way back. In one way or another we've all been impacted by the economic woes of this country; marriages have been attacked; ministries have taken major blows; some of us have lost loved ones suddenly or unexpectedly. Many of you have been attacked on your job, or maybe you've even lost your job. There has just been all kinds of natural disasters, evil acts of man, and kinds of diseases happening as we speak. And, these things have impacted some of us so strongly that it has caused many to be confronted with the question of "what in the world is going on?"
Some of you have gone through some things in the last year that made you take a good hard look at yourself…You've began to question your call; you may have began to wonder about your purpose…somebody may have asked yourself, "do I have the ability to do what God has called me to do?" Somebody may be wondering, "will my dreams come true? Am I going to really go where God says I'm going…Am I really going to own that business or write that book…" Many have even questioned your outer appearance as the enemy has began to play tricks on your mind regarding yourself worth, your self-esteem, and your image.
The enemy's goal is to cause you to become so distracted with smaller purposes that you abandon your destiny…I believe that the enemy has heightened his attack against the Body of Christ by subtly causing us to question who we are in Christ. It is his desire that we abort the very power authority that God has given us. I believe it is his goal to distract us so much to the point that we second guess our identity and forget who we are in Christ Jesus.
In this hour, God wants to restore your confidence in Him as your King. He wants to remember who you are in Him and see and respond to Him as your King…You are royalty! And because He is your King, "there is Queen In You!"
Understand that your rank supercedes what you! You may not feel like queen, you may not look like a queen, but God see's the Body of Christ as His Bride…and to be the Bride of the King, makes you His Queen…and John 14 says, if you abide in Him, and He and you, you can ask what you what you will…
So I say to you today, "All hail the Queen!" Take you rightful place and live in the confidence of who you are in Christ. Tap into the Queen's anointing that's on the inside of you and remain steadfast in the presence of your King! Remember, don't let the enemy trick you out of your identity..."There is a Queen In You!"
God bless,
Evg. Nichelle Early, Founder
As I began to seek God concerning this year, I asked Him to share with me His desires more of from the Body of Christ in 2011. And with that being said, I feel impressed to share with you a prophetic word for 2011. Find out inside...
Many times in life we have to endure pain, hurt, anger and adverse actions that are no fault of our own. I know far too well about having my life turned upside down due to the acts of others. From the age of 5 until I was 17, I was molested by my father, stepfather, cousins and even the two teenage sisters next door. The actions of those people caused me to become someone that I was never created to be. I began to really resent those people and had reached the point where I hated to see them coming. Molestation is a serious issue that our society or church doesn't really take as seriously as they should. The statistics are astounding and heart wrenching: Find out more inside...
In one way or another, it seems as though many of the people I've encountered lately have been impacted by something that just seems crazy…something that seems as if it has come out of the clear blue to knock you off of your track…you were going along minding your business, doing right, and living right to the best of your ability and then all of a sudden, it seems as though an attack was released against you that you least expected…and to add insult to injury, the attack is just so far from normal that all you can say is this is, "crazy stuff…" Read more inside...