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Her Sermon Helps

"Do you think we should use the King James version when we preach? Or does it really matter if we use something like the NIV?" Find out inside...
Perhaps the most effective thing a preacher can do to strengthen the connection between the congregation and the scripture is to interpret the Bible with your senses. Here you use all of your senses when you seek to understand the scripture. Yes I mean touch, sight, taste, smell, and hear. Read more inside...
Someone asked me, "How can I find the perfect sermon illustration?" To answer this question, I would first say that all of the resources you need for a perfect sermon illustration are around you. First, never forget the Bible as a primary resource for narratives and stories to illustrate your points. Read more inside...
A narrative text is that passage of Scripture that conveys a story line. It's necessary that we are clear and persuade to our audience to understand that the stories of the Bible are not Disney fantacies or fairy tales, but the are real accounts of historical events that are applicable as examples towards spiritual development. With that said, as a preacher is it essential to retell the story in such a mannner that it is believable, comes alive, and demonstrates relevance. Wayne McDill, writer of 12 Essential Skills for Great Preaching states that it is not a violation of the sacredness of Scripture to retell its stories imaginativesly. However, he says, it may be a violation of biblical intent to tell them in such a way thtat nobody can believe them. Read more inside...
What are Divisions? Well, divisions are the main sections of a sermon that has an orderly structure. These sections can be stated during the delivery of the sermon, or they may not. However, it's important to know that a properly planned message will have very distinct sections, and each section helps provide clarity to the unity of the message. We will provide you with three major reasons why you should ensure that you utilize divisions properly when planning your sermons. Find out more inside...

Many people that you may minister to have question marks as to God's character and how they relate to Him. Therefore, we want to provide you with a non-exhaustive frame work regarding God's attributes (aspects of God's character) in order to show how God is like us. Over the next few installments, we will be discussing the attributes of God. However, please know that these discussions or the listings that we will provide will not cover everything that can be said or known about God's character, because only He is all knowing. But, our goal is to provide a general categorical listing for you to further study and fellowship with God. Read more inside...

One thing that is helpful to remember when creating sermons is that sermons are intended to be preached and not read word for word. The point of a great sermon is for it to have an immediate impact upon your listening audience; whether in person, via video, or audio. In order to realize this impact, your thoughts, ideas, and revelation should be well structured, organized, and outlined to ensure that the main points are highlighted and conveyed to your listening audience. Read more inside...
Do you remember how all of the books of the Bible are categorized? Do you know which books are considered to be the books of the law? Or, can you recall which books are the major prophets and minor prophets?
Many people are a little intimidated by parables when they stumble accross them in the word of God, particularly in the New Testament. Some say that they are hard to understand, others don't want to really take the time to seek the Lord for His intended meaning regarding them. However, today, we want to provide you with a few tips to help you correctly interpret parables so that you will enjoy and gain life from the amplification of the doctrinal passages of the Bible. Look inside now!
In the world of preaching there are many concepts of interpretation of scripture. To interpret means to convey the true meaning of something that is either written or spoken by restating it in different words. Language has been continuously evolving since the Bible was written over 1500 years ago. Thus, we are challenged with linguistic barriers as we attempt to interpret what the Bible is saying to us.