30 Days to Taming Your Finances, Deborah Smith Pegues
As we observe the economic challenges our nation is currently experiencing, we've all had to modify our spending habits or budgets in one way or the other. Well, PreachingWoman.com has partnered with nationally acclaimed financial advisor, Deborah Smith Pegues to help you get your finances under control in 30 days.
As we observe the economic challenges our nation is currently experiencing, we've all had to modify our spending habits or budgets in one way or the other. Well, PreachingWoman.com has partnered with nationally acclaimed financial advisor, Deborah Smith Pegues to help you get your finances under control in 30 days. If you would like to keep more of your money in your pocket, during these tumultuous times, consider purchasing this book today!
Have you ever thought how great it would be to have a financial advisor right by your side to help with financial decisions? Certified public accountant, Deborah Pegues is an expert in money matters, and she has put together a simple, practical plan to help you rein in your unruly spending habits and find peace and plenty in your pocket for 30 days.
With transparency about her own financial mistakes and a bit of refreshing sass, Deborah devotes easy to follow chapters to help you learn how to:
*Diminish your debts
*Spend smart
*Save strategically
*Profit from your passion
*Further your financial intelligence
*And 26 other lessons of interest
Anecdotes, soul-searching questions, and biblical principles combine to make each chapter full of hope that a healthy and satisfying future is about to be a dream come true.
About the Author
Deborah Smith Pegues is an experienced certified public accountant, a Bible teacher, and the author of 30 to Taming Your Tongue and Conquering Insecurity. She and her husband, Darnell, have been married over 27 years and reside in California.
Contact Deborah Smith Pegues at:
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